chapter 18 missing someone

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That night was a long night for the vashisth family,  there was no improvement in arohi's condition.

Triloknath ordered his family priest to start the Maha mrityunjay Jaap for arohi's health.

The relatives who got to know about this incident were reaching the hospital to see arohi' s health condition.

Indian relatives have a very interesting talent that is how to irritate the victim's
family more in the name of consoling.

Veena was hearing all the Gyan ( knowledge)of the relatives

"Why you people gave so much independence to your girl now see ".

"We always told you to keep your eyes open at least for your girl's whereabouts" ".

"You know my aunt that lives in Delhi, their neighbour's brother 's daughter also got injured in the same way, you know the doctors have to cut her foot as the poison was started spreading in the body, but you dont worry nothing will happen to arohi ."

Vaidehi was noticing all this from a distance as she was sitting with asawari
She was getting irritated by the way the relatives were giving all their preaching for aarohi 's upbringing.

    she decided to help veena so she went near her and asked her to take some rest in the adjoining VIP room ., which was booked by Aditya so that his family members can take some rest.

Siddharth was having her breakfast while lying on the hospital bed. Rashid didnt reveal the real condition of arohi as the doctor told that Siddharth's condition is also not good.

Rashid just told him that she is also resting in the other room, and she is fine. So he got convinced but he wanted to meet arohi, as her foot wound was not in a good state.

It was almost afternoon,arohi was not conscious yet doctors were decided the further treatment

     But the prayers got answered as arohi gained her consciousness back. After the check-up, she shifted from icu to a room.

    Aditya was the first one to meet arohi he kissed her forehead with tears in his eyes, and triloknath came near her in slow steps.

   Arohi wanted to hug her dad, but her health condition was not able to make her seated. Triloknath patted her head with love.

 "  Never do this bacha, you scared us all "Aditya stated holding her hands in his ., kissing the back of her palm.

    All the family members met arohi one by one, the doctor told them to give some rest to arohi and so many people are not allowed to stay with the patient.

On aarohi 's insistence, everybody left and her two dear friends decided to stay with her .,vashisth family didn't object as they know arohi will be more comfortable and happy with her friends.

     So they all left not before giving a list of advice and suggestions to rachna and Sahiba. As soon as they left arohi asked in a slow but audible voice

    How is he?

   Who he?


   Ooh mera siddhu, he is hot, handsome and a ...

   Stupid, she is asking about his health


  'He is fine, but in your worry, we didnt meet him till now. But now if you are asking we should go and see him " rachna answered her question.

    Before arohi could answer, Sahiba stood up and start walking toward Siddharth's room. Rachna followed her, while arohi took a deep sigh as to what to expect more from her friends.

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