chapter 37 . Ronn meets the vashisths

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The next morning the vashisth made arrangements to welcome ranvijay as he is related to asawari in law's family. But the vashisth was scared of the reason for his visit. As everyone knows that ranvijay was a very busy man and he hardly visits anyone It's always the people who visit him after taking a proper appointment.

Three imported cars entered the premises of the vashishth villa, when he reached inside the hall everyone present in the hall got intimidated by his aura.

Ronn greeted the vashisth family politely as Neeraj trained him in the morning on how to behave politely.

Some workers entered the hall with different gift hampers sweets, fruits and dry fruits. He gifted beautiful chocolate hampers to the kids who got happy, they thanked him and left for their rooms.

After exchanging greetings Ranvijay came to the main point.

" I know Mr Vashisth, you all must be wondering about my unexpected visit, so I will come to the point.

" I am here with a proposal: I want to marry your youngest daughter, Arohi."

The whole hall went silent, ronn was already expecting this so he waited for their reply. Aditya and Trilok Nath exchanged a look, they were still trying to absorb this new information in their minds.

Ronn chuckled " I know many things must be going on in your minds so I want to clear some facts.

" If you are worried about Arohi's happiness, trust me I will always keep her happy."

" She is going to get the highest position in my life, that is my wife who will the queen of my heart."

" And if the age gap between me and arohi is disturbing you, I cannot do anything for that as I cannot make her old norI n I reduce my...age..."

" But trust me I will try my best to give her all the happiness that she truly desires."

" Mr Sahay, it's not only about age and you belong to two different worlds. mean we are not equal to your status or standard."Aditya tried to explain.

" If it matters to me then I must not be sitting here Mr Vashiht. My presence here is enough to prove that I don't care about these things so you don't have to worry about that .moreover love is a feeling which surpasses this thing"

" See mr Sahay I know you are a powerful man but I don't think that arohi will be a good choice for you."

" Hmmm, please apprise me"

" Mr Sahay you said you love my sister but I am sure that this is one-sided love as arohi will never love anyone."

" well right now, you can say this but
she will fall in love with me in our future life, you know after marriage ".

" You are thinking so far I mean arohi will never agree to marry you "

" Why not? I mean in your home it's tradition for an arranged marriage, as your elder daughter married whatever her name was'' ''.

" Asawari " Aditya told him

" Yes asawari"

" So I think if you tell Arohi that you have fixed her marriage with me then she will also agree. Just like her sister, Doesn't she?"

Veena didn't like the comparison of her darling daughter with arohi ao she couldn't hold it more.

" Dont compare asawari with arohi. Both are opposite from each other."

" Mom please, sorry mr sahay my mother is not well for some days "

"No let her speak, I mean I believe it too that my angel is different from others. Sorry Mr vashisth but I like to hear Mrs vashisth's thoughts about my angel."

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