chapter 75 her choice

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That night Dan requested arohi to be close to him, and arohi agreed to his request. Ronn already had ice about this so he already shifted their luggage from the hotel to
the mansion. The next day dan was shifted to the hospital arohi kissed his forehead when he was leaving for the OT.

Dan gave a smile at her then started in a confident tone" Dont worry I am coming back after all these doctors also wanted to live." Dan completed the sentence while glaring at the doctors who are going to perform his surgery.

Arohi chuckled at his actions " I am waiting here for you dadaji. I know you don't need it by still All the best "

Dan patted her hand and then call for ronn ' ranvijay I know that I don't have to tell you this but still, I want you ti to keep my angel sage and happy.

" I will dan "Ronn assured him to which he just nodded and soon he was shifted to the OT.

It was a long surgery, arohi and ronn were waiting patiently. Arohi was praying for her grandfather as he is the only relative she want to spend more time with him so that she could know more about her father.

After 10 hours the operation got complete and the doctors came out of the OT. Arohi was waiting for the doctors to say something.

Congrats mam, the operation was successful.

Thank you so much

" No need to thank us, as we have to save our lives too. "The main surgeon smiled at arohi.

Arohi nodded at him, in these some hours which she spent with dan she understood that dan is a short-tempered old man who gets annoyed at little things. She chuckled at this thought as she use to behave like him only... Before she fell in love with sidharth.

The next morning dan got his consciousness back, the first person he wants to meet was arohi. He was debted to arohi for giving new life to him.

In the coming week, Dan got discharged and returned to his mansion. Ronn couldn't stay in Spain for so many days so he left for London to attend some unavoidable meetings. Arohi wished to stay with her grandfather and ronn didn't complain as he knew what she must be going through.

     The day when ronn returned to Spain after the 6-day trip he was eager to meet arohi, he reached the mansion where the maids told him that arohi is helping Dan with his dinner. Ronn was going to enter dan's room when the ongoing discussion caught his attention and he stopped in front of the door ., he didn't want to eavesdrop but he want to know arohi "s answer to Dan's questions.

   "Angel, can I ask you something?"


   " Why did you marry ronn? I mean as far as unknown your uncle and his family are decent ones then how did you end up with a  mafia don ... See I just want to know that he forced you to marry him ...?"

  Arohi was feeding the soup to him, she made him drink the last spoon then she wiped his mouth with the napkin. She ordered the maid to remove the tray.

       "You didn't answer me "

      "Well if you want to know then yes he forced me.".. Dan face expression turned hard listening to this but the next words took him by surprise" his true love forced me to fall in love with him, his care for me forced me to think about him all day all nights, the way he tolerates my tantrums forced me to go against my family and marry him. I love him dadaji. I agree with his involvement in illegal businesses, for the outside world he is a rough, cold and hard man to deal with but for me, he is the most caring husband and pure soul. I can assure you that he must have hurt only those men who had done something wrong with him.
Later my family also understood this and accepted ronn happily... I am so lucky to have him as a life partner "

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