Chapter Two

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"Come, come! Walk with me, why don't you?" The tall skeleton offered to (Y/N); his large hands still on their shoulders. "Walk with you?" They parroted, before nodding. "Um, okay! Sure," (Y/N) said with a smile.

"Marvelous!" The skeleton stood tall again, before his face fell. "Oh! Where are my manners? I'm Jack Skellington," Jack introduced. (Y/N) had already pieced that together. "But please, just call me Jack." "Okay, Jack."

Jack smiled again, turning back to his path with his arms behind his back. (Y/N) had to take large steps to keep up with him. "So if I may ask, young (Y/N), how did you get here?" Jack looked at (Y/N), who had their sights ahead. "Well, um... it's hard to explain. It's also kind of a long story." (Y/N) replied, looking up at Jack. "Well, I'm sure I have time!"

"Okay, then."

(Y/N) was quiet, thinking about how they would explain to Jack how they got here.

"So, I ran away from home. I wanted something new, something I'd never seen before," (Y/N) bluffed. Not really, though. They did run away, they just weren't looking for this. "So, um, I ran to a forest! And the trees— they had doors on them?" Jack stopped in his tracks, listening intently. (Y/N) felt they were asking more questions than answering them. "And, so, since it was the day after Halloween I decided... to open a pumpkin door? And now I'm here, but... trying to get home."

Jack looked... dumbfounded? Like he was more confused than before. "I told you it was hard to explain," (Y/N) murmured, their voice quiet. "Hm, that's certainly an odd story, but then again everyone's a little odd down here!"

"Wh—" (Y/N) started, cutting their voice short as sunlight suddenly hit their face and Jack yawned. 'Skeletons can yawn?' (Y/N) thought as they looked up with Jack.

Hey... wait a second!

"What is this place?" Jack asked, talking mostly to himself as he walked to it. (Y/N) darted past him and looked around, standing in the middle of seven trees. This was it! This is where (Y/N) had come from originally! "This! This is it!" (Y/N) bounced on their feet, looking back at Jack and Zero. "These are the doors!"

"Doors?" Jack repeated, standing next to the child. "Well, by golly, you're right! There are doors!" (Y/N) nodded, running to the pumpkin one. "This is the one I fell through!"

"Well, if this is where you came from, does this mean you're going home?" Jack asked, it didn't sound like he wanted you gone, though. In fact, he sounded a little... disappointed? His question was genuine, though.

"..." (Y/N) thought for a moment, their hands on the pumpkin door as they shrugged. "I don't know. I don't know how to get out of this forest, either way."

"Well, don't worry! I'm sure you'll find your way home soon, and I'll help you!" Jack put a hand on (Y/N)'s shoulder again, offering them a helpful smile. "Thank you."

"So these doors..." Jack started, walking towards the one in the shape of a Christmas tree; "They lead places." (Y/N) finished. "Hmm..." Jack hummed, taking the knob of the Christmas tree door into his hand as (Y/N) walked to stand by him.

As Jack opened the door, it was nothing but an empty, black void in the tree. The skeleton seemed disappointed, and so was (Y/N). Maybe the doors only worked at certain times?

Nonetheless, Jack turned to walk away— "I'm sorry, sir- er, Jack— I thought that," Jack stopped them. "No, no, it's alright! It's not your fault that—"

Suddenly, snowflakes started flying out of the tree! A cold wind surrounded (Y/N) and Jack, as if it was pulling them both in; like how the Halloween door did.

Make em scream, Nightmarish Child. { JACK SKELLINGTON x CHILD!READER }Where stories live. Discover now