Chapter Three

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The ride back to Halloween town went surprisingly smoothly, Jack drove the mobile as if he had done this before, and Zero floated alongside them.

(Y/N) still had the snowglobe in their hands, thumbs running over the smooth glass as they shook it occasionally, watching as the snowflakes inside it would swirl around and float to the bottom.

"Say, (Y/N)?" (Y/N) looked up at Jack, stopping and holding the snowglobe still. "What's that you're holding?" The skeleton looked down at (Y/N), and at the snowglobe in their hands. "Oh, it's a snowglobe. I didn't put it in the bag because these things are fragile." "A snowglobe?" Jack parroted. "Yeah! It's a little globe that has glitter in it, and when you shake it around like this--" (Y/N) shook the globe again, showing Jack. "It snows!"

Jack gently took it from (Y/N)'s hands after he had parked for a moment, shaking it gently in his own hands. "What a sight to behold!" He said, smiling as he gave it back to the child. (Y/N) grinned as they went back to playing with the snowglobe. "Some globes have music, you wind it up at the bottom and it'll play a song! But, um, this one doesn't have that feature, I guess." Jack was silent, but it was obvious he was just listening to (Y/N) explain.

It felt nice, (Y/N) thought, having someone just listen to them explain things and not try to overpower them. They smiled to themselves as they went back to playing with the globe.

... ... ...

By the time you and Jack had gotten back, everyone had been confused and worried-- worried mainly that Jack had been missing the entire night. The Mayor was on the roof of his car, face white and solemn and-- something else you couldn't quite put your finger on. The two witches that had dragged you into the air when you first arrived here were sitting inside the car, while three vampires stood to the side of it, umbrellas over top of them to hide them from the sun.

Zero's barking was what brought the attention towards Jack. You watched the Mayor stand on top of his car, looking down at Jack with wide eyes. "Jack! You're back!" He called, and monsters ran to collect around the skeleton, moving backwards as he drove the mobile into the middle of town. "Where have you been?!"

Jack removed his goggles, putting them on the side mirror of the snowmobile. "Call a town meeting, I'll tell everyone all about it!" The skeleton answered back, excitement in his voice. "When?"



"Thank you so much for your help, young (Y/N)!" Jack said to you as you brought in the last thing, the flimsy little Christmas tree that had been thrown together. You simply hummed, letting Jack know you had heard him, but had nothing to say.

"Say, you've not met anyone else, have you?" Jack suddenly asked, looking at you and causing you to feel nervous. "Uh, n- no. I haven't."

"Wonderful! We can knock two things out, then!" You blinked. "What?" You asked in turn, looking over your shoulder at Jack. "We'll introduce you before we start the town meeting! I'm sure the others will be delighted to meet you!" Jack seemed to miss the way you stumbled in your actions. "The- others--? Jack I, um, I don't-" You tried, but mentally facepalmed when you continued to trip over your words.

"Young (Y/N), you shouldn't worry! Everyone here is quite nice, I have every confidence in you about this!"

You were still nervous...but you nodded, and watched as Jack walked out of the curtain. It must be time to start. You took a seat beside the Christmas tree and waited.


"Please take a seat, everyone! I have some very important things to show to you today!" Jack called out to the crowd, watching as they all settled into their seats. Jack smiled widely as he looked to Mayor and signalled for him to flick the light on.

Make em scream, Nightmarish Child. { JACK SKELLINGTON x CHILD!READER }Where stories live. Discover now