chapter 7

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Chapter 7: Percy

"Come down when you're ready. I'll set up a place for you and Jason to sleep," Annabeth said and left him before he could say thank you to her offer.

Percy stood in the middle of the roof, watching as she walked down the stairs, her golden hair glowing in the night- or early morning, he guessed based on the time on his watch.

He turned on his heel and looked around, watching the night sky that surrounded him. He closed his eyes, letting the quiet, (as quiet as New York City could be with its honking cars and soft bustling) settle over him. It was like being enveloped in an old, familiar jumper, sliding over his skin, warming him to his soul and out.

Percy opened his eyes when he felt someone's presence join him.

Thalia stood at the top of the stairs, a phone in her hand as she met Percy's gaze.

"Can we talk about this some other time? You're not in the right space right now, and I need time," she said quietly. Percy turned away, giving her privacy as she lowered her voice further. There was a soft click and her footsteps grew louder as she came to stand next to Percy, mimicking the same position Annabeth had been in only moments before.

"Is everything okay?" He asked, testing the waters.

She nodded, but her gaze looked unfocused as she stretched her arms.

"It's a future me problem." Percy nodded, understanding and they drifted back into silence.

"Jason's sleeping downstairs, you should get some rest," she said, tilting her head at him as he fought back a yawn.

He hummed softly and shrugged.


"How did you meet Jason?" She asked. Percy felt a smile rise to his face.

"High school. I moved around a lot so I kept to myself but he kind of always went out of his way to invite me to stuff, parties, playing basketball during lunch, that sort of thing. And then we became friends I guess."

"Is he any good? At basketball?"

"Oh, no he's absolute trash. But he meant well, things got better at school for me after that. So I owe him a lot for that."

"He's a good guy."

"One of the best," Percy said truthfully.

"I'm glad he turned out okay. Despite everything...I don't know what he remembers, but uh- our parents weren't the best."

Percy felt a part of his heart squeeze at the tone in Thalia's voice. If his years with his previous step-dad Gabe had taught him anything, it was that sometimes parents really weren't the best, no matter how much you wanted them to be.

"So did you," Percy pointed out. Thalia smiled at him before he continued, "Did you meet his foster parents?"

"Yeah...they were saying that he was always a really independent kid, always paving the way, leadership type of guy. It makes more sense now that I'm here."

"Sounds about right." Percy thought back to their time in high school, Jason at student council meetings, running late to their study sessions because he was at some club or at another practice where he was captain or something or other.

"Can I ask you something? About Jason?"

"Of course."

"Did he ever tell you about me? Did he ever look for me?"

Percy thought carefully about what he was going to say before he spoke.

"He told me that he had a sister he didn't know in our senior year. I don't know if he looked for you but I know he was always hoping you were."

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