Special Chapter 2

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Everyone was busy in and outside the house, some were busy cooking and some were busy decorating the backyard for the pool party later that day. And, a pretty girl on her room was busy choosing what dress to wear. She cannot choose between the black o blue lacy dress. But after few minutes of staring and thinking, Jimin finally chose the black dress.

"I just hope she likes this" she said as she went inside her bathroom to change.

"Jimin-ah, Minjeong's here already!" her mother shouted from downstairs, she immediately put down her phone and went down to meet her best friend.

"minjeong-ahhh" and she hugged the poor little girl tightly

"let Minjeong breathe, Jimin! and, didn't you guys meet just yesterday? why are you so excited Jimin-ah?" her mother questions. Jimin pulled away, then smiled sheepishly at the girl she just hugged.

"Guess, unnie always misses me, auntie" the girl answered, and Jimin nodded. After a short chitchat, Minjeong and her went to her room to have their time alone. And there they were laying comfortably on the queen-sized bed, head resting on one's chest, and stroking down her hair.

"unnie" her voice vibrated on Jimin's chest, she looked up a little to meet the older's eyes.


"should we tell them about us?" Minjeong asked. Jimin stopped stroking her hair, and stared at her.

"do you want to tell them now? as in now? or some other time?" the two of them had been keeping their relationship for almost a year that day, having secret dates and other things. Their parents did not suspect them for they all know that they were only best friends. But, they do not plan to keep it forever, of course, they want to be official with their parents' blessings. So, maybe that day was their chance to come out as a couple.

"my parents will also be here later, maybe today is the right time to tell them, don't you think?" Jimin nodded at her, her girlfriend was right. Their family will be gathered that night because of her dad's birthday, and of course, business. Jimin cannot help but to feel nervous, what if they don't like the idea of the two of them being girlfriends? what if they ask them to break their relationship off? that won't happen, Jimin thought

"and, unnie, you look extra pretty today" Minjeong grinned as she sat up, and once again scanned Jimin from head to toe. She just could not believe that she got herself a pretty girlfriend.

"tss, I thought you won't notice" Jimin rolled eyes, eventually, giggling at her. Minjeong just stared with a smile on her face, and she was starting to feel butterflies on her stomach. Auntie, I love your daughter, oh my gad!

"..yah, were you listening to me?" she was taken out of her thoughts when Jimin slightly squeezed her hand. She turned to her with a confuse look on her face.

"I'm sorry, what were you saying?" but her girlfriend just pouted at her, disappointed that Minjeong was not listening to her all along.

"nothing" and it made Minjeong guilty

"unnie, tell it to me please" she begged, having a pleading look on her face. Jimin sighed and held her cheeks

"Its just about my dream of becoming an engineer, Minjeong-ah. And, I want you to be my professor when I finally enter college" Jimin spilled, making Minjeong slightly surprised. Of course, she would want to be her professor, especially now that in a few years, she'll finally be graduating in college. But at the back of her mind was hesitation.

"you want me to be your prof?" she asked, and jimin hummed in response

"why? do you not want to?" Jimin arced her brow

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