casino royale

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art by QUACKSINO on twt!

watch Derivakat's new song!:)
sorta based off the song
"2, 3, 4.."

"THE CASINOS ARE OFFICIALLY OPENED!" I say as i cut a red ribbon with giant golden scissors

all i see is people rush into every casino with their hard earned money


i walk up to a costumer that doesn't know how to gambling that well

"you pick a number and if you land on said number you win! same goes for the other 9 people. and if you deal in right, then kid you're gonna get far" i say in a kind voice

"thank you!" the boy says
he looked around 19, not old enough to be gambling for sure but i don't check ID's

"Tony! the stakes are high.. give it a try mate!" i hear an older man say

"place you bets boys! this will take you for a ride!" i say to a group of adults

"were lost in the night quackity, so many people and so much money to be earned.."

"in the shimmering lights?" i hear Slime say

"a palace of lies." i hear a monotone voice say

"technoblade? philza?"

"we are checking this place out to see if its a tyrannical goverment.. if thats what you would call it? does this place even have any authorities?" phil says

"of course it does! purpled, foolish, slime- well not really slimecicle but you know, and Sam! and no this place is pretty much an anarchy but it does have a few laws and certain people that are banned from here" i say

"quackity. theres only greed in those brown-i think- eyes of yours." technoblade says with a blank face

"come on tech! just deal into the game and you may just win it big!" the lights had turned neon shades of pink purple and blue as soon ad i said that

"techno, its your fate to choose." phil says

"its his fate to loose his inhibitions.." sam whispered to me

"i wanna go against quackity." techno says

"oh? me? well well well, if you wanna play with power then your gambling with the king~"(not in a seggsual(sexual) way)

"so bet on the crown" sam whispered to techno

"lets play casino royale." i say

"chase your ambitions!"

some people were surrounding us as we played

he was winning. he was winning at my own game. what the fuck

the next part of the game included some Chips, each color representing a different amount of money
green:50 dollars
you had to draw a clover
there was a small chace of getting it due to the amount of cards

whoever drew the clover won and got all the money

(i made this up,
not sure if this is a real game)

"take a chance and you can win it all!" Slime says not knowing all that much about gambling

he was winning this round

"a high risk and high reward." phil says

"cash in now or play again.."

"again. i need to play again." technoblade says, obviously getting an addiction to the pure amount of adrenaline that pumps through his veins when im winning

i mumble: "it really doesnt matter cause you'll owe me in the end.. heh.."

we went from game to game, from cards to dice

"awe.. looks like you lost this round! better luck next time?"

"YES! i mean.. yes! i would like a next time right now.." tech says obviously addicted

"technobla-" phil got cut off by the blade

"Shut up phil. i am focusing"

"deal into the game and then the world is at your feet!"

this next game was called


"playing with power sounded really bad to begin with but now.. i feel like im the king!"

i laugh at that comment

"bet on the crown technoblade. bet your crown."

"okay, i bet my crown and all of my totems!" techno says confidently

"what. techno you can-" phil got cut off again

"phil im going to win!"

we played until i was winning, techno looked nervous

the game was


you spin a wheel and if it picks the correct dial you win! slim chances!

"but.. the house always win-" slimecicle says getting cut off by a hand slapping over his mouth, foolish's hand

"heh, sorry about him, he doesnt know much!" foolish says

i was winning


bet on the crown

casino royale

chase your ambition

i won


i take the crown off his head

"thank you very much! ill be taking those totems now!"

"what. how did i not- what the fuck." technoblade says in shock

"technoblade, if you cant give all your totems then i guess you're 30 totems in debt to me!" i say knowing exactly how many he has

i put his crown on my head

"phil. im in debt to the person i hate the most." he says saddly


i got really inspired off this particular song and made this little thing :)

hope you enjoyed


update:6/18/21 i got the ranboo flop plush >:)

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