Y/n comes out

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Love... it's a dangerous game. While it is so marvellous, entangling you into a web of emotions and dreams, it also is the scariest thing in the world. Falling in love, is vulnerability. Every part of you physically and emotionally is exposed to your significant other. That... that is petrifying.

It's a beautiful summer morning, the sky radiant with the days promises and the sun beaming with pride. You lay still and just appreciate the outside world passing by. Eventually, you roll over to see Lou still sound asleep. You smile contently as you look at her angelic face, her hands placed affectionately on your torso.

This is the day

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This is the day... today is the day I come out. Debbie is going to be fine with this. She's my sister, she has always stuck by me. Of course she is going to be fine, she knows Lou is a lesbian. Why am I so scared, I need to compose myself. Everything Is going to be ok, they're my family. They love me and I love them.

You take a deep breath and look over at the clock its 6AM.

"Good morning, my love." Lou says with a husky voice, stretching and reaches for your face.

"Good morning, babe." You reply kissing her and holding her hand.

"Y/n, everything is going to be great, stop stressing. They love you. I love you." She says compassionately.

"I know," You sigh "I am going to get up and make breakfast for everyone. I want to tell them at breakfast. I don't want to keep us a secret anymore because I love you so much." Grinning, you hold Lou's defined jawline in your hands. "You're so beautiful, you know that."

"Yes... yes I do", Lou replies and you both start laughing quietly because you don't want to wake the others. "Not as beautiful as you though, darling."

You blush. "Coming down? You can watch me cook" you pucker your lips and kiss Lou on the forehead.

"Mmmmm, of course I am." She flirts.

Both of you go downstairs, no one is up. All you can hear is the early morning traffic and the birds tweeting, with the morning breeze grazing your legs.

"Careful, it's hot." You hand Lou her coffee. She smiles at you and takes a sip.

You prepare breakfast, might as well go all out considering you're coming out. The eggs are frying, the bacon and sausage are sizzling and you're whisking up the pancake batter.

"Pancakes make you gay." Lou states

You shake your head giggling. "Don't be silly, you think we are lesbians because of pancakes?"

"Pancakes don't make you gay?" She jokes.

Lou helps you set the table, you pour mimosas for everyone. There are several plates lined up down the middle of the table, patiently waiting in single file with food stacked up high so everyone can help themselves.

"Good job, it looks lovely. Now all you have to do is tell them, if you're sure you want to." Lou holds you making you feel secure like nothing and no one in the world could harm you.

"I want to... I just wanted it to be special." You nuzzle your head into Lou's arm.

Moments pass by, the group are all downstairs and talking about how delicious the breakfast looks.

Everyone sits down, you are placed next to Lou and opposite Debbie, everyone is chatting about the day ahead and Constance is showing Amita how to meet men and what to say to them. Debbie looks at you and asks if you are ok, you nod. She has a concerned look on her face, maybe you worried her last night because you usually tell her everything and anything and she is the same with you. Suddenly, you feel a wave of guilt hit you like a tsunami, Debbie should know before everyone else. You grew up with her and she never strayed from you side nor you hers.

"Debbie, Lou can I borrow you for a minute in the living room please." Lou looks confused and Debbie looks fearful.

"Y/n, what is going on. You barely speak last night and then wake up at the highest of spirits and have made us all breakfast. Please if there's something going on, tell me. You're my sister I am always here for you." She says holding your hand.

"I need to tell you something." Tears prick at your eyes and cascade down your cheeks.

Lou hugs you tight and whispers that Debbie is going to be perfectly ok with this... that she told her before that her friends that are gay make sense to her. This calms you. Debbie looks perplexed.

"I'm... I'm gay. I like women. In fact, I'm in love with this amazing woman, who's swept me off my feet and made me feel extraordinary." You say nervously, but once you start speaking you're overwhelmed with pride that you have said it.

You gaze at Lou and smile.

"Y/n, I am so happy for you! You had me worried! I could kill you, you know. I accept you for exactly who you are, no doubt about it. Because you're my family. Wait who is this wom...." Debbie glances at Lou and then back to you, "You... you and... Lou are together." Debbie lunges for Lou to fight her.

Lou jumps back "Woah! Debbie, I love y/n! I'm in love with her. You know I have never felt like that about anyone."

Debbie pauses and realises. "You're in love... you're both in love with each other," she tears up and puts her hands on her cheeks, "Aw I am so happy for you both, both my partners in crime now partners!"

You all have a group hug.

"You both better not leave me out." Debbie says muffling and giggling while still hugging us.

"Deb, don't be stupid. You're our family! You always have been." You say with your heart warming. "I was going to tell you all now but I owe it to you to know first."

"Y/n bless you, you didn't have to. But I'm glad you did."

Lou laughs and shakes her head.

You all arrive back at the table and Debbie quiets everyone down.

"Everyone... I have something I would like to share." You stand up and pull Lou up with you, holding hands, "I am a lesbian and Lou and I are together."

The whole group cheers and congratulates you both, constance starts screaming wildly and according to Daphne and Nine ball they knew already and could tell that you'd slept with each other last night.

Maybe we weren't as clever as we thought...

Everyone settles back down and starts eating the food. After everyone has finished, you start talking about the operation and what today has in store.

"Ok, everyone so today we have a lot to do. I am going to write on the board over there what everyone needs to..."

"Hold on a minute" Debbie interrupts "There will be no work today because you have just come out, we have all been working tirelessly for weeks now. We all deserve a day off especially you... and Lou. Let's go shopping and then go and celebrate. Let's go and get drunk and dance the night away. All of us. Work can wait, the Toussaint isn't exactly going anywhere."

You beam with a smile like the Cheshire Cat.

The rest of the group agrees and you all go and get ready for your day off.


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