Y/N and Debbie Reunite

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Hi, this is my first story. I hope you enjoy it <3 The words that are in italics are y/n's thoughts. 

This is the background to the relationship of Debbie and Y/N.

It had been five years eight months and twelve days since Debbie was incarcerated and you hadn't seen her in a while because she had herself thrown in solitary but you worked day and night to try and find a way to get Debbie out. You and Debbie had grown up together, while you weren't meant to find out about her family of crime... it was inevitable but it changed nothing between you and Debbie. While she was part of criminal activity you still loved her, the Oceans were the family that you never had. You worked hard and they put you through college and law school. You went on to defend them, and win endless cases for them, in addition were a crucial part to their plans and having them covered up. When Danny died you fell apart, you felt hopeless because there was always the question of whether he was really dead or not. You needed Debbie, she was your friend, your sister and your partner in crime.

Y/N rings the Parole board and requests the review of Debbie Oceans release, you state the facts that she has had good behaviour, she has been in solitary, that she has done her time and is ready to be released. That she was never like this, she roped in and that is not in her blood. They get back to you within the hour and say due to your high status in the court that they will go ahead and give her a parole hearing.

"Deb?" You say, excitedly.

"Y/N ? What's happened why do you sound like that?" She says on edge.

"I got you a parole hearing tomorrow, it took some time and persuasion but I did it"

"Y/N ! I can't believe it, you never let me down"
"I'm just sorry I couldn't do it sooner." Your heart sinks.

"Don't be ridiculous, I'm getting out because of you!"

"Love you Deb, I'll see you tomorrow."

"We will have to celebrate, love you"

Tomorrow comes, you hadn't slept a bit, you lay staring at the ceiling full of nerves and full of excitement that today is the day that you would get your best friend and sister back on the outside.

You wait outside of the prison, pacing back and forth. Every time the door swings open and its not Debbie you lose hope.

Then you hear, "I've got $45, we can go anywhere and do anything..."

You run and jump on Debbie. Both of you walk to the car, and don't stop talking the whole way, you take her to the cemetery to see Danny, sit their for a while and have a drink. You bump into Reuben.

"You two stay out of trouble now, sometimes just knowing a job will work is satisfaction enough."

Deb looks at you and smirks, you both start laughing.

"We can't wait to get to our plans, Reuben." You smile at him

"Looking sharp Reuben" Deb says as we start to walk out the door.

Deb is walking you through the plan on the drive to Bergdorf Goodman you're the first to know and she says she needs you to take care of background checks on the people she wants so far and to go over the plan to see if you can think of anything missing or extra to do.

"I need to call Lou when I'm home, we are going to see who we can get to infiltrate Vogue." Deb says.

You've never met Lou but have heard good things about her, although the way Deb speaks so highly of her makes you jealous.

At yours, Deb goes into the bedroom with the bags from a good days worth of stealing, you both figured that it wouldn't hurt to have some fun after the stressful years you've both had. You hear Debbie on the phone to Lou. You sit at the table going through the background checks. 'Nine ball, Rose Weil, Daphne Kluger, Amita, Constance.'

You become engrossed in going through these peoples lives. Intrigued, you look up Lou Miller, her picture pops up. Her prominent blue eyes looking at me through the screen, blinking suddenly, finding yourself lost in her picture. You shut your laptop just as Deb walks out the bedroom.

Come on, we need to go to our new place now. You're driving through fences and barbed wire. Music blaring, non stop talking. Y/N and Debbie have missed each other.

"Y/N, pull over... there's some people inside I want you to meet, you'll be part of the family. You know a bit about them already." She winks at you and smirks.

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