Back to Hogwarts

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‼️Long Chapter Alert️‼️
           The light coming through the windows is what woke her up from her light sleep. Brown eyes opened and blinked. She laid still for a while wishing desperately, like everyday that the war never happened and everyone was alive, but a few moments later she realised that nothing has changed, as usual. This was how Ginny Weasley started her day.

            The first few days after the war was the toughest. To know that she would never get to hear her mother shout from downstairs asking her to wake up was like a blow to her stomach. Slowly she realised that she would never hear her father speak about muggle thinks, that Bill will not be there to tell her that she is not a little girl and he will not treat her like one,  that Charlie will never again tell her stories about dragons, that Percy will not bore her with lectures on how to be well-disciplined, that she will not be able to prank with the twins, and that Ron, her very first best friend till he went to Hogwarts won't be there to play the role of the overprotective brother.

         She realised that Hermione will never again badger her about her studies,  that there won't be anymore DA meetings and that her proffessors won't be giving her detentions for all her pranks.

      But over all, she realised that a certain pair of green eyes, filled with so much love,  adoration and mirth will never look at her again.

     For they were all gone now. Leaving her behind. Sometimes she wants to be angry with them for dying on her and she instantly regrets when she thinks that they died for her,  so that she could life a happy life. What happy life they thought she would live without them,  she will never know.

       The funerals were the worst. It was an ultimatum which made it final that they were gone and never coming back.

       She looked over at Luna who was sleeping  on the bed placed at the other side of the room. She knew that Luna was not deeply asleep and will be waking up anytime soon. She got out of her bed and walked over to the full length mirror.

     The person gazing back at her was a stranger.  She knew this because she's been seeing the same face every morning. She sighed. After everything they discussed last night,  she desperately hoped that their plan will work out. She took one last look at her reflection before going to the bathroom to freshen up.

       By the time she was out, Luna was already up. With a muttered 'good morning', Luna walked into the bathroom closing the door behind her while Ginny walked into the kitchen to make some tea. When Luna returned it was Neville's turn. By the time Neville returned,  the girls made some sandwiches and the three sat down to have their breakfast. It was a silent affair. Finally after they were done,  they all sat back in their chairs.

    Neville broke the silence. "So, you girls ready to go? " Both nodded. All three got up,  took up their essentials which included their wands and travelling cloaks. Ginny also carried Hermione's journal. Once they were done warding the house,  they walked  over to an empty alley before disappearing into thin air.


       All three landed right in front of the Hogwarts gates. Neville turned to look at Ginny and Luna. Both had unreadable expressions on their faces and were holding themselves rather stiffly. Taking a deep breath,  Neville pushed open the door and led them in.

        The three walked slowly, taking in their surroundings. It was hard to say that this was their beautiful school where they had spend many happy days because the place loked anything but beautiful now. Somehow they found themselves in the Entrance Hall. They stopped to look over at the portraits only to find them empty. The castle was truly abondoned. On silent agreement,  they took the path leading to the library.

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