Back In Time - Luna

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            An intense pain was the first thing she felt, before she opened her misty eyes. The bare ceiling made her wonder where the faces of her friends she had painted had gone, followed by another wondering of what painting she was thinking of in the first place.

        Memories clashed inside her head. The battle, the funerals, faces of people known and unknown flew around inside her head. But two faces remained prominent, constant. Neville and Ginny, her best friends. Focusing on them, she saw the memories she made with them, good and bad, and finally the ritual.

         She cried out and sat up with a gasp. She found herself in her childhood bedroom which she knew meant only one thing. She was back! They had done it! Atleast she hoped that the other two had made it back in time. She needed her best friends with her.

"Luna dear! Are you alright? " called a voice, she'd recognize anywhere but hadn't heard in a while.

         She scrambled out of her bed and ran down the spiral stairs and threw her arms around her father who was coming out of the kitchen to check on his daughter when he didn't hear a response from her.

          He staggered  a bit under her sudden weight but steadied himself before cradling her to him like he did when she was younger. He soon realized that she was crying. This worried him. His lovely Luna was a strong girl, who rarely cried, the exception being her mother's funeral.

          She never cried even when the children in the village teased her for being herself. She was one brave witch, he knew. But now he was a bit curious about what could have made her have a break down like this.

"What's wrong, love?" he asked gently after holding her for a while.

"I'm sorry daddy. I just had a bad dream," she lied because she couldn't tell him the actual reason was that she missed him so much after his death.

"Do you want to talk about it?" he asked  softly.

"You died," was all she said brokenly which was the truth in a way,  before giving away to tears once again.

"Oh Luna, " he sighed sadly. "It was only a dream, love. I'm right here now, holding you and I will not be leaving you anytime soon. "

Luna just held him tighter knowing that she'd lost him once already.

They sat like that for a while until Luna pulled back and said, "I'm fine now, daddy."

      He was reminded of the days when she started calling 'daddy'.  He couldn't believe that she was already twelve. But he knew, no matter the age, the moment she calls him that, he would give her anything she asks for.

"Good. Now, why don't you go get ready? We have to be at King's Cross soon. I'll get breakfast served soon. "

"Okay daddy." With she skipped her way up the stairs as he watched.

     Once Luna reached her room, she closed the door and leaned against it and tried to get her emotions under control again. She knew her empath powers weren't fully active at the moment. She couldn't completely place her father's emotion like how she usually could. She could only sense that there was something but not specifically what.

         She tried performing a wandless levitation charm but couldn't lift any heavy objects and finally only succeeded in lifting a quill, which again left her totally exhausted. She lay down for a while before getting up to dress up for the day, while in anticipation of meeting her friends.

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