Planning and Preparations

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(Look who has finally decided to show up.... ME!!!!
I'm here with another chapter.
Go ahead...)

        Once again through the staircase,  entrance hall, grounds and finally outside the gates,  Neville turned to the other two.

"So, Grimmauld Place?" he asked.
"Grimmauld Place",said the girls with a nod.

Ginny took hold of their arms and side-along apparated them to the street where she knew the house resided. Within seconds, the building materialized before them. After getting through the jinxes and minor traps that had been set up by the last members of the Order,  Ginny led the other two into the kitchen, taking care to keep quite so as to not wake Mrs. Black's portrait and have her screeching at them. Once in the kitchen, Ginny turned to her companions to guage their expressions.

    Both wore astonished and curious looks on their faces. Finally Neville asked, "This was the headquarters? Was it necessary to have it dark and scary?"

Ginny chuckled.
"Trust me, I know what you mean. I had the same thought when I stepped into this house for the first time. I still can't believe that Sirius turned out fine after growing up here. "

"So, where's the library? " asked Luna after they were done taking in their surroundings.

"It's across this kitchen. Come on. " saying this she led them to the library.  The stasis and preservation charms had kept the library clean. They walked to where exactly they were instructed and soon enough found the crest. After sharing a glance,  Ginny touched her wand to it and muttered,
"Toujours pur". Hardly a second later, the wall opened to reveal stairs going downwards. They climbed down and soon found themselves in the secret library.

     The place too was completely dust free. On silent agreement, the three began their search. It was atleast half an hour later when Neville let out a shout of triumph. The other two rushed over to him and found that he qas holding the book they were looking for. They moved over to the study table and placed the book down.

"This is it" whispered Neville.
"Let's do it" said Ginny. Luna silently agreed. Nodding, Neville opened the book and started reading. It was actually an account of  Licorus Black's life from the moment he decided to look into Time Magic which had always intrigued him. Soon they were reading on how to do it.

    It was basically a ritual involving a potion, a certain ancient rune and the blood and memories of the person wanting to travel back.

    After reading the entire account and making sure they hadn't missed out anything they moved over to read the preparation part of potion. It was indeed a complicated one as they had already assumed.

"I feel like we just need to add all the ingredients available on earth to brew this. I mean,  look at that, it's got ingredients from the most common to rare to poisonous and finally expensive " said Ginny.

"You are worried about the ingredients?! Aren't you worried on how to brew it?  " asked Neville.

"Oh come on Nev,  you are speaking to someone who could have been a Potions Mistress" said Luna.

"Shut it, Luna" mumbled Ginny slightly blushing.

     It was true. Ginny was an exceptional potioneer. She was the only one who scored an 'O' in the subject from Snape of all the people. While at school,  Ginny often liked to experiment on brewing  new potions- the one to cure lyncanthropy being the first on her list.

"That's right." chuckled Neville.

"If you two are done, let's get back to the matter at hand." stated Ginny.

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