chapter 3

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My office, more like my second room.

The desk was littered with haphazard scrolls, books strewn by the foot of my desk. "What is this previous altercation?" I muttered under my breath. My eyes scanned the opened book to my left. A knock at the door alerted me of a presence. "Enter!" I called.

My eyes lifted from my pages. "Ah! Matilda, I'm so happy to see you again." Matilda Hammerette, a short woman with a kind soul with the heart of a lion. "I'm h-honoured to be missed by h-his m-majesty," but she did have a stutter. "How was Arania?" A kingdom of grasslands and beautiful wild animals like these huge elephants as tall as three stacked carriages. "It w-was beautiful, your m-majesty, a-amazing experience," a soft smile crossed her small face. "I'm glad to hear that, Matilda," I nodded, "but please call me, Samual when we're alone." The woman chuckled and nodded, "O-Of course, y-your majesty," with a dip of her head. I puckered my lips in a pout. Matilda blushed and shook her head, "I-I mean, S-Samual." A snicker left my lips and gestured for her to come over. "Grab a chair and come sit beside me." I sounded like my Nana, my her soul be blessed.

Empty teacups and half-eaten cake later. Matilda spun tales of her time in Arania. She and many soldiers were drafted out to Arania five years ago to assist the then prince now king, against a usurper. Despite the battles she endured, she still managed to see the beauty of the kingdom. Maybe I can get Claude to give me two months off to travel and tour Arania! Just thinking about it made me giddy.


My duties lay undone at my desk. "Y-Your m-majesty, shouldn't y-yu finish your work," Matilda stuttered, a finger pointed to the pages on my white oak desk. "Nah, I'll do them later," I waved a dismissive hand at the paperwork. "Y-Your ma-" I raised an eyebrow at the woman. "O-Okey," she answered with a sheepish laugh. There was a knock at the door. "Enter," I called. Matilda got up and opened the door. "Oh, Hello, Sir Robane," the woman dipped her head. Felix Robane nodded his head in greeting, "Hello, Lady Hammerrette, it is good to see you again." Now, what is Felix doing here? I wondered with arms folded across my chest. Why did Claude dismiss him? "Hello, Felix, what brings you here?" The man bowed with a hand on his chest. "I just came to check on his majesty," he answered with a charming smile. "Yeah," I snickered, "Sure." I smiled sweetly at the man. He should lie better. "He told you to leave, didn't he?" The redhead had slightly widened eyes. It was a pretty cute sight, if I wasn't married I would have courted the Knight. "Why is that?"

Felix mentioned that Claude had met Athanasia and are currently having tea. Ah! I want to see this!

Unfortunately, Felix had dropped off Athanasia back at the Ruby palace and Claude sat lamenting on the sofa.

"Claude?" The blonde was silent as he rested his chin on his fist. I closed the door behind me while Matilda waited outside. My husband shifted in his seat. I took it as an invitation and sat beside him with my knees pulled to my chest. "What bothers you so, my dear?" I asked my eyes stared at empty China set with remnants of chocolate cake crumbs. Most likely, Athy. It was an amusing thought. "Agh, she is just like her," the man groaned softly.

Weight shifted at my left side. He must have had his hands buried in his hair. I kept silent. "Every moment I forgot, the next thing I saw is that-that child!" He huffed. "And the memories come back!" He hissed. I could hear a snarl from his voice. "Its hurts!" He yelled. Claude jumped from his seat. In a split second, I made a hasty decision. I grabbed his wrist. His skin was warm and sent a tingling sensation through my arm. The blonde stilled and I dared look into the eyes of, of a man, a heartbroken man. "Claude," I breathed, "Stop hurting yourself. I know what you are doing." I tugged at his wrist and pulled him gently to his seat beside me. "I know you're hurting, I can see it." I turned my gaze back to the chocolate cake crumbs. "I want to say stop for her sake." I turned to my husband, his eyes conveyed only sadness anger and heartbreak. "But I won't," I said as a reached up to the length of his neck, "Then do it for me a-and our future." I felt stupid for uttering such things. Heat crawled up my neck like a garden snake does up the bark of a tree. He lifted his hand and placed it on my arm. The warm tingling sensation returned. I managed to contain a shiver. Claude narrowed his cerulean blue eyes. Or maybe I did not do it fast enough.

Silence bathed in the space between us.

"What do you mean, when you said 'us,' Sam?" His face was collected, his eyes looked like some predator staring down his prey. Bad timing Sammy, bad timing. "I-I just, I, I meant that we should pursuit a romantic relationship," I breathed. His brows furrowed in either confusion or anger. I tried taking my hand away from his neck but his fingers held a firm grip, the hold was not strong enough to bruise - Claude promised he would not do the same. "What are you trying to say, Sam?" He questioned, his brows still furrowed. He really wants me to say it, doesn't he. I groaned and linked my fingers around the back of his neck. He did not push me away, a good thing perhaps or a bad thing. "I like you, Claude, a lot," I huffed. His grip left my wrist - there is no bruising - and found their way to my waist. The tingling sensation returned and I stifled a whimper. His face returned to its stoicism. "I don't want a romantic relationship, Sam," his voice was soft and filled with sincerity. I tried to retract my hands but Claude pulled me against his chest. "Oof, Claude!" I gasped. I looked into those eyes, they looked sorry. Wow, Claude, its been a while since I've seen something like that."What do you want then Claude?" I whispered and bit my lower lip. "You can't give it to me," he pulled me closer and laid his head on my shoulder. I gripped the cloth on his back and rested my head on the crook of his neck. "I'm sorry," he whispered in my shoulder, it was so soft and if there was any distractions in the room I would not have heard.

My eyes clouded with tears and slid down the rounds of my cheeks, wetting the white cloth of the other's shoulder.


Hi everyone!

Long time no see. I was looking at so many comments, I am so happy to guys like the book. I intended to post but Varsity is no joke especially when you are doing a course that requires practical attention and a whole lot of focus.

Any way here you is chap 3. Be aware that in the next two months I may or may not post more chapters cuz of studying for exams, projects & exams.

Now stay safe. Love lots.

Yours Sincerely
sleep_ex 😘😍

𝔽𝕣𝕠𝕞 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝔹𝕖𝕘𝕚𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘 | Claude De Alger Obelia X Male OC Where stories live. Discover now