To find is to lose and to lose is to find

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Third Person's POV

Brody, Sora, Donald and Goofy where walking down a path with nothing but grass and trees all around, the group was looking for their friends Riku and Mickey after they sealed the door to kingdom hearts and defeated Ansem. The group soon saw Pluto walk by with a letter with Mickey's seal on it and when asked if he has seen Mickey, Pluto runs off ahead the path the group was in and they followed him.

Eventually night arrived and the group had fallen asleep but Sora and Brody suddenly wake up and look at the path when suddenly "Along the road ahead lies something you need" A man wearing a black coat said and Sora and Brody look at him "However-in order to claim it you must lose something that is dear to you" He said and disappeared.

Soon enough the group find themselves outside a castle. A castle Brody recognises.

Brody's POV

I couldn't believe what I was seeing. We were infront of Land of Departure or well, what it looks like now after Aqua changed it like how the Master taught us 'If I had the Master's keyblade I could change it back to normal but Aqua has it' I thought 'But maybe if I find Ven he'll wake up now' I thought and without saying anything I run to the door and open it going inside, Sora, Donald and Goofy following after me.

"Hey, ya think it's ok to barge in?" Goofy asks "But we gotta do it, if we're gonna find the king..." Donald said "The King?! King Mickey's here?" Goofy asks "Something just told me he'd be here, ok?" Donald asks "Really? 'Cause now that ya mention it, I was kinda thinkin' the same thing" Goofy said "Seriously? Me too! One look at this castle, and I just knew" Sora said 'I didn't think of Mickey when I saw this place though' I thought "Our very beat friends-they're here" Sora said "Guess great minds think alike" Goofy said "Wait, hey, hold on!" Jiminy said standing o Sora's shoulder "It can't be just a coincidence!" He said "Oh, no, Jiminy. Ya don't mean that-" Donald said "Yep, I had it too, mm-hmm! I had the exact same feeling" Jiminy said "Gawrsh, maybe it's contagious" Goofy said "No, no. Something's screwy. We gotta go take a look" Donald said "All right" I said starting to walk ahead and Sora followed "Wak! Where are you going?!" Donald asks making us stop "That way. To the door" I said "Are ya scared?" Sora asks "Aw, don't be ridiculous! Come on, let's go, Goofy!" Donald said "Hey, fellahs, shouldn't we shut the door behind us before we go?" Goofy asks and looks "Sora! Brody!" He said and we look to see the man in the black coat at the door closing it behind him "That's it! Who are you?" I ask summoning my keyblade and Sora does the same while Donald and Goofy summon their weapons and the man walks towards us "Wak! Heartless! Oh yeah? I'll try some magic!" Donald said "THUNDER!" He said but nothing happened? "Huh? Come on. THUNDER! THUNDER!" Donald said but still nothing happened "Come on... Blizzard? FIRE!" He said and nothing happened "Why isn't it working?" He asks as the man stops "I should think it's obvious" The man said "The moment you set foot in this castle, you forgot every spell and every ability you ever knew" He said "What?" I asked confused 'But that's no t how....' I thought "In this place, to find is to lose, and to lose is to find" The man said "That is the way in Castle Oblivion" He said "Castle Oblivion?" I ask and the man disappears in a dark portal suprising us showing up behind us "Here you will meet people that you have known in the past" The man said "And you will meet people you miss" He said "We miss?" Sora asks "Riku! You mean Riku's here?!" He asks "If what you to find him...." The man said extending his hand using wind with petals pushing Sora and I as he goes through us and we try to hit him but he disappears in pink rose petals and appears infront of a door "What'd you do?!" I asked "I merely sampled your memories" The man said "And from them, I made this" He said holding a card "To reunite with those you hold dear--" He said throwing it at me and I catch it "A card?" I ask "It is a promise for the reunion you seek" The man said "Hold the card to open the door. And beyond it, a new world" He said "Proceed, Bridy and Sora" He said "To lose and claim anew, or to claim anew only to lose..." He said disappearing in a portal "C'mon- let's go" I said walking to the door and I hold the card up and it vanishes from my card and the door opens and we go inside.

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