Another Girl?

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Third Person's POV

"You seem pretty intrigued by this Sora and Brody kids" Larxene said "Are you telling me you're not, Larxene?" Axel asks and Larxene chuckles "Haven't decided yet...." Larxene said "I think what intrigues me more is what you see in them" She said "There was a time they became a heartless. And if one becomes a heartless-" Axel said "They lose their minds and their feelings... They're consumed by the darkness" Larxene finished "Right. But not Sora and Brody" Axel said "They held on to their feelings, even as heartless" He said "And there's only one other man who's been able to do just that" He said "It's the strenght of their hearts..." Larxene said "That's what interests you. Why the Keyblade chose Sora and Brody's hearts" She said "To unlock the mysteries of the heart" Axel said "Isn't that the Organization's mission?" He asks and Larxene chuckles.

*Meanwhile with Sora and the others*

Sora's POV

"Hey, I wonder if there's anything we've forgotten..." Donald said "Hmm... If we did, what would it have been?" Goofy asks "I can't think of anything, so maybe that means that I really am losing my memories..." He said and Donald gets worried "But whatever they were, they couldn't have been very important memories, right?" Goofy asks "That's true" Brody said "Yeah or else I don't think you would have forgotten it" I said "Look" I said showing the heartlocket Brody gave me "What is it?" Donald asks "A heartlocket Brody gave me" I said smiling "It's special to you, so I promised to keep it safe" I said to Brody "I'll never forget what this means to me Brody" I said holding the heartlocket close to my chest "It's why I could never forget you" I said "Am I right, Brody?" I ask blushing and Brody chuckles and nods smiling 'Huh?!'  I think when I feel like someone's behind me and I turn around to see a girl but she vanished "Do I know....that girl?" I ask outloud "Hey, Sora. Where did you go?" Donald asks "Sorry. Never mind" I said snapping out of my thoughts "We better keep goin'" Goofy said and I walk to the door and hold up the Olympus Coliseum and we go inside.

Brody's POV

"Look, an announcemnt!" Donald said walking to a board and we walk to him "Hmm..." Jiminy said "It's for some sort of contest. They're calling it the 'Olympus Coliseum Survival Cup'" He said 'Yet another change in the set of events' I thought 'Why does this keep happening?' I thought "Contenders have to run an obstacle course, battling each other along the way" Jiminy said "And listen to this 'The great hero Hercules will also compete for the Cup'" He said "It says here he's never been beaten" He said "Sounds like fun. Why don't we enter, too?" Sora asks "I thought you'd say that. Whenever there's a cotest, you're rarin' to join up" Goofy said "You're going to compete even if we don't, right?" Donald asks "Uh-huh" Sora said and I chuckle "Guess we'd better tag along, then" Donald said "Hold it everyone. There's more...." Jiminy said  "Only contenders who finish the preliminary course may enter the main competition" He said "It says the preliminary course is just ahead" He said "Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Sora said and we run off.

We soon went inside after doing the prelims and found Phil "Huh? Where did you come from Brody? Don't tell me those guys behind you finished the prelims!" Phil said suprised "We sure did. And now we want to go for the Cup!" Sora said "Well, you came to the right place. Not that you stand a chance against Herc" Phil said "Why not?" Donald asks "Two words" Phil said "You three ain't heroes!" He said "You're wrong!" Sora said "Yeah, he said three words" Goofy said "Exactly... but that's not the point! How can we prove we're heroes unless you give us a chance?" Sora asks and Hercules walks in "He's right, Phil. They cleared the prelims. I think they deserve a shot" Hercules said " got a point there, Herc. But still-" Phil said "Of course, we could always cancel the games" Hercules said "Cancel them? What for?" Sora asks "Old Phil's prelim course was so hard, no one else could finish it" Hercules said "Is that right?" I ask "Well, if you let us compete, you won't have to cancel the games! How about it, Phil?" Sora asks "Okay, you got me over a barrel, so fine. Here's how it works, kid-" Phil said "It's Sora-not kid" Sora said "Sure, sure, kid. Since your team and Hercules are the only contenders-" Phil said "No, they're not" We heard Cloud said walking in "The games have a new challenger. Name's Cloud" Cloud said ""The more the merrier!" Phil said "Now the games will really be something to see!" He said "I'm looking forward to this. Don't expect me to pull any punches!" Hercules said "Hey, as long as you don't expect me to take them!" Sora said "Let's give it our best" He said "Okay, let's get this show going! But first I gotta explain a few rules" Phil said "Rule #1! First one through the obstacle course wins!" He said "Rule #2! In the event of a tie, a battle will determine the winner!" He said "Rule #3! You can interfere with your opponents on the course!" He said "And finally... Rule #4! All challengers have to give it everything they got!" He said "All right, enough with the spiel. On your marks... Get set...GO!" He said and off we go.


"Gawrsh, that was nice of him to wait for us to catch up!" Goofy said as Cloud was just standing there "He's not waiting! Remember Rule #3? You can interfere with your opponents on the course!" Donald said "He's looking to narrow the field!" Sora said summoning his keyblade "You can put that away. I'm not looking for a fight with you, so keep moving" Cloud said "See? He was waitin' for us to catch up" Goofy said "Well, we've caught up. Let's take him up on his offer and keep going!" Donald said "I don't see a downside..." I said and we walk past him but Sora stops and so do we "Listen, are you sure?" Sora asks "I'm not here for the cup. Just Hercules" Cloud said "Today he loses more than the competition" He said "You don't mean....but why?!" Sora asks "This is business. Stay out of it. Go win your cup" Cloud said and Sora summons his keyblade and so do I "Do you realize what you're doing?" Cloud asks "Rule #3! You can interfere with your opponents. Right?" Sora asks "You're not the only one who wants to fight Hercules" He said "Big mistake" Cloud said and we start fighting.

*After the fight*

"Cloud! Where'd you go?" Sora asks "He headed for the finish line! We'd better go after him!" Jiminy said "Right!" I said and we run off.


We arrived to see Hercules had beat Cloud "You lost! Give it up, Cloud!" Hercules said "We're not done yet..." Cloud said "I can't guarantee your safety if we keep going like this!" Hercules said "Better worry about yourself. Looks to me like you're slowing down a bit" Cloud said "Ungh..." Hercules said and Sora and I run to Hercules "Don't worry!" I said "We'll back you up!" Sora said "Sora? Brody?" Hercules asks "Get all the backup you want. I'm going to finish you and get back my memories!" Cloud said "Your memories?" Sora asks "Now, now, Cloud, we don't want to spill the beans" Hades said showing up "Hades! You!" Hercules said "Looks like you oversold yourself. All you did was wear him down. This doesn't look good for your performance rating..." Hades said to Cloud "Let me put it this way: You, my spiky-haired friend, are fired" Hades said " memories! We had a deal!" Cloud said "Did you really think you could get back your lost memories just like that? Get a grip!" Hades said "Why, you-" Cloud said "Out of the way! I'll take care of Irk-ules myself!" Hades said amd pushes all of us back "Rule #5! It's never too late to enter the games" Hades said "Hades, you were behind this from the start!" Hercules said "Cloud may have failed to take you out, but he did break you down. Time for Plan B" Hades said "Pack your pita, Herc, 'cause you've just won a free trip to the Underworld-paid by me!" He said "Hold it!" Sora said as we run over "Sora, Brody, no!" Hercules said "Come on, Herc-how can we go one-on-one if you're in the Underworld?" Sora asks "Good point, kid. I guess you'll just have to go with him!" Hades said "Rule #6! There are no rules! Ha ha!" He said and we got ready to fight.

*After the fight*

"What?! The games are cancelled? How come?" Sora asks "Two words!" Phil said "Everyone is pooped!" He said "Wait, that was more than two-" Goofy said "You gotta be kidding! What about our match with Hercules?" Sora asks "I'm sorry, Sora. But you two wouldn't want me to compete in this condition" Hercules said "Let's have a match when I've rested up a bit. Can you wait?" He asks "Okay. We'll hold you to that" Sora said "Then it's settled!" Hercules said "Sora, Brody, over here! He's coming around" Jiminy said referring to Cloud and we walked to him "You okay?" I asked "Yeah" Cloud said "Sorry I messed up your games" He said getting up "Hey! Hope you get your memories back!" Sora said as Cloud started to walk away "Forget about what Hades said" Sora said "Sometimes the tiniest thing can make you remember stuff you forgot years ago" He said "If it's an important memory, there's no way it could ever be gone forever" He said "That's what I think, anyway" He said and Cloud throws a card at us and I grab it "That's for you. For helping me out" Cloud said "Sure you don't want to just come with us instead?" Sora asks "Not interested" Cloud said and walks away and we decide to leave this room and get back to the castle.

Sora's POV

"Who could that have been before in my memory?" I ask myself "It wasn't Kairi..." I said "But another...girl?" I ask "Maybe...I think her name was..." I said "Sora!" Donald said snapping me out of my thoughts "Let's go! You want to find Riku and the king, don't you?" Donald asks "Um, sure" I said "Man. It was right on the tip of my tongue..." I muttered and I catch up to the others as we get ready to go to the fifth floor.

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