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The picture above is of Max Heart (or Maxine.)

I can't believe I have to share a room, with Tyler Colton. No, scratch that, an apartment! There no way in the world! what the hell?! what did I do to en up in this position?


"Your lying." I say shaking my head. He still smirks, as he raises an eyebrow at me. "Then why do I have a key Maxy?" He holds up his hand and dangling from his fingers is a silver key on a key ring, along with other keys.

Maxy?! really?! Is that suppose to be some stupid nickname that's suppose to make me feel bad? like when we were in highshool.

"Don't call me Maxy." I command.

His smirk doesn't drop. it's scared me. He's planning something. he steps forward and slams his hand against the door. It shut hard with a loud 'BAM!'

I jumped up. My back was now against the closed door as his hand was right against my head. his face close as his body was leaning forward. "I think it's cute." he mumbled before stepping away completely. His smirk still printed on his face.

He turns his back to me and walks down the hallway. "don't forget to unpack your boxes on your side!" he yelled as he shut himself in the bathroom.

I sighed and clenched my teeth and fists together.

Don't kill him........just don't kill him.

I walk to the room and slam the door shut. He's such a dick face. Why couldn't I have not accepted the damn college and stayed at my old college. I'm already hating living here.

And I haven't even been here half a day yet! I mean come on.

And yet I can't believe that I'm actually listening to this guy and going I my room to unpack.


My room is in the right corner while Tyler's is in the left one. the only thing between the two twin sized beds is an end table. The room is pretty small. the only other thing on my side of the room is my desk and closet. While Tyler just has his dresser on his side.

I have been unpacking all day! I heard Tyler get out of the shower and walk into the living room a couple minutes ago. I sighed and looked around the room.

All I see is two words

Clean, and messy.

And I'm sure you can put two and two together and know that my side was the clean one. I rolled my eyes and walked out of the room. my bare feet hitting the hard floor under me.

I pull my hair out of the hair bow and let it go down my back. mainly because Tyler fixed the air conditioner that I didn't even know we had. I walk Into the living room and all I saw was Tyler on the couch.


I was about to let my eyes fall to his chest before I stopped myself and looked away. shielding my eyes in the process. "what the hell Tyler?! why don't you have a shirt on?!" I yelled.

I hear him sigh and stand up. "I always walk around shirtless. Why should you coming make a difference?" He asks.

"Because I'm a girl!" I scout. I hear him walk over to me and he grabs my wrists and pulls them down. His hands were soft now that he washed them. Warm Shocks shoot through where he touched my wrist and I force them to stop.

"Then act like a dude." He says. I sighed and turned to him. His chest showing off. His jogging pants hung low on his pants, showing the V.

I felt my face heat up and I caught myself staring as I jerked back up to his eyes. He had an evil smirk written on his face. I bit my bottom lip and jerked my wrist out of his hands. "Im
Not going to walk around shirtless like a guy." I say.

He chuckled and shakes his head. "The way your dressed now, you might as well be." He glance down at my breasts before glancing back up.

I feel very exposed now.

I grip the top of my tank top and pull it up some. "perve." I mumble. He shook his head then walked over towards the couch again. He jumped up on the light brown sofa and propped his feet on the coffee table right in front of it. putting his left leg over the right.

"Please princess, your not my type. I go for girls with a fine ass, big boobs and blonde hair. Sorry but you only have one of those things."

I know I don't have blonde hair. my boobs aren't the biggest. I have more like tangerines. But I don't have a fine ass either. so I'm confused here.

"Excuse me?" I ask crossing my arms over my chest. He sighs, then looks over at me. Then pats beside him on the couch and motions for me to come over at sit. I hesitantly walk over here and slowly sit down. staying a good distance from Tyler.

"You've got the fine ass," well I don't feel exposed any more. "But that's what most guys go for. Thats and big boobs. Maybe now since you live with me you can get some tips on what guys like. Then maybe you won't be like you were in high school."

Well this is a great start. He's bringing up the past. Which I try to forget every fucking day of my life. "Do t bring up high school Colton, you and me both know what you did, so don't act all innocent like we were dating in high school." I say.

He rolls his eyes and smirks. "You'd like that wouldn't you?"

"Id rather be skinned alive that date you." And god knows its true. I hate this guy. I hate him.

He slaps his hand against his chest to his heart. "ouch, that hurts Maxy. And I thought we'd get a fresh start." he said. I rolled my eyes. "Get over it tough guy. If you want a new start, fine."

"Does that mean we can change the conversation topic? Cause id like to get some ground rules."

I nodded. "I'll go first. we get three rules that we each have to follow. number one) keep your stuff on your side of the room. Number two) You can't bring home a girl if your going to have sex. I don't want to be here to see it. Just take her somewhere else. And third) you can't walk around the house shirtless. It makes me uncomfortable." I finish.

"What?! you can't take away my shirtless glory! That's like telling a singer they can't sing anymore!" he protested. I sighed. "Just give me your ground rules and we'll see." I say.

Nope. I'm definitely not letting that last one go. Weather he likes it or not.

"Fine. one) I get to keep my music as loud as possible. two) I get to bring my friends here, anytime I want. Same for you. but I agree with that second one of yours. if hate to walk in with you having sex with somebody, doubting that'll ever happen. And last," he smirks before continuing. "I get to leave the door open while I use the bathroom."

"Hell no!" I scream. "Keep the damn door closed, I don't want to see you taking a piss!"

He chuckles as he shakes his head. "Then remove the no shirt rule and you've got yourself a deal, princess."

This guys fucking with me.

I sighed before standing. I shake my head and point a finger at him. "Your an asshole, you know that?" He shrugs as I walk off.

I quickly grab some cloths before getting in the shower. And the replay of my day is going on repeatedly in my head.

Roommates, with nightmaresWhere stories live. Discover now