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Max's POV

I really need to ask myself....... why exactly did I agree to this? I mean, I need to sleep, yea. But is it REALLY that bad to where I have to sleep with my sworn enemy from high school who almost killed me?

I guess so.

But deep down, I feel another reason for doing this. Like the only reason WE are doing this, is to...... I don't know exactly. But I'm afraid of what it IS. If that's the case, then just kill me now.

I walk out of my last class of the day and the door opens and hits someone, knocking their books on the ground. I curse and bend down to pick them up. "Shit. I'm sorry." I said gathering all the books together. They bend down and pick them up also. That's when I notice it was a guy.

He has dark blonde hair that's sorta parted to the side. He has bright green eyes and a cute smile that he is now throwing at me. I gently smile back and I'm pretty sure he saw my blush.

Curse me and my blushing.

I stand with his books and he stands also. "it's okay. I should've watched for someone as beautiful as you to come out." He says. I smile shyly and push a piece of hair behind my ear. I hand him his books. "Thanks." I said turning around. I started to walk away before he softly grabbed my wrist. "Hey, wait. I didn't catch your name."

"Maxine or max." I answer, "you?"

"Junior reed." He said. Wait..... reed?! That's the last name of the person who runs this place. Is he..... "I know what your thinking." he said, "I'm not the owner. I'm his son. My dad is the one who owns all this."

"Oh. Now it makes since." I say. One side of his mouth quirks up and he stares at me. It's kinda awkward and creepy. But I'm staring at him too so I guess it's even. "Hey, before you go, mind if I get some digits?"

Oh, THIS is why.

"Really?" I asked. He shrugs. "Your pretty. I'm not saying anymore than I want to get to know you, is all." I rolled my eyes. I gripped my books and binders against my chest and decided, why not?

"Do you have any paper?" I asked. He smiled fully and went through one of his binders before grabbing one and handing it to me, along with a pencil.

I quickly write down; Max heart's # 248-9920, then hand it to him. He smiles and takes it politely. "And now I give you mine." He says handing me a paper with his name and number already written on it. I smile and take it. His smile quickly turns into a smirk and he winks before walking away and saying "I'll call you sometime."

Well That went great.


Tyler's POV

"Bruh, don't get jealous but...... you know my friend junior?" Carter asks from the other side of the phone.

"The one that hates me? Yea, how could I forget. He blamed me for stealing his girlfriend When I didn't even know they were dating." I answer.

"Well...... he got Max's number."


No, no, no, no, no, no, no! Max can't be with junior! He's a fucking bastard and perve who just wants a fun fling! Max can't have a 'fling' they never last more than two days and she is so fragile with her feelings. She won't realise what he's doing! She won't even know what SHE is doing! No, this can't happen. I won't let it.

But I also won't let max know that I'm jealous or don't want her to go out with him. I'll do it secretly.

"Dude, you there?" Carter brings me back to reality and I sigh. "Yea..... yea I'm here."

"I knew this would happen." He seemed to mumble to himself. I shifted a little on the couch so I was comfortable. Max still hasn't come home yet, and right now, I'm glad. "what do you mean?" I ask.

"Dude, your jealous and I can already tell. You get jealous over the littlest things. She probably isn't even into him anyway." He doesn't even know junior the way I do.

"Not into him, my ass! He's one of the most fucking hottest guys in the school! What girl wouldn't want him?!"

"What guy wouldn't want max?!"

Shit. What the hell am I doing? I like a girl who every guy wants to get in her pants with. Yet I haven't. I haven't really tried because of our fucked up past. Why would she want me after all I did to her? The answers easy.

She doesn't.

Besides, I have no room to be jealous, even if I am. We aren't dating and I know she doesn't like me. So I have NOWHERE to be jealous. But I am.

Why can't she just be one of the girls that I have a fling with? Instead of me having actual feelings for her? Like seriously, what the fuck?

"I'm sorry dude. Bur it's the truth. Every guy on campus is drooling over her and you need to step up and stop it if you really like her. Or else you'll lose her to daddy's boy." He's right. He's so fucking right! And I'm so confused.

"Why are you always right?"

"Because I'm awesome."


Max's POV

"You go WHO'S number?!" Julie screeched. Right now, she was at my apartment as we both sat on the couch while waiting for carter and Tyler to get here so we could go out.

Tyler went over to Carters house for a while, but is coming back around six- ish so we can go to the drive through.

"Junior reed." I said. And I couldn't help myself but smile. That green eyes hottie was..... Hot! Like, hotter than Tyler. Sorry Tyler, but some body passed you up!

"You too would be a PERFECT couple! Because every girl wants him, and every guy wants you! That's a match made in heaven!" She screamed. I laughed and shook my head. "I got his number. Doesn't mean he'll want to 'date' me. For all we know, he could be a 'fling' kinda guy. But I'd fling with that guy any day anyways."

"You've leaned so much."

"I leaned from you, so yea."

We both laugh together. "speaking of hooks ups, I never Asked you what was up with you and carter. so spill." I said. She sighed and slightly smiled. I even think blushed. "He's...... awesome in bed. He has to be a provisional. But theirs something about him thats....... I don't know, different. He sure is the first guy I've had three hook ups with."

"Three?! Jules, damn. You must like this guy." I tease. She blushed even more and that gives me my answer. My mouth dropped to the ground. "You do! Oh my gosh, jules! You've never liked anyone!" I yell. She sighs and rolls her eyes. "no need to tell Africa." She mumbled. I chuckle.

"Your right, I should tell the whole world." I say. She balls up her hands into fists and punches me hard on the arm. "if you say anything, I'm going to kill you." She threats. I laugh again and run my arm. She may be weak, but she can punch with those bony fingers.

"I won't, I won't." I assure her. She sighs for like the third time. "thanks. And mind if I ask, what's up with you and Tyler? You two seem like you slept together every night or something. Considering how much you two flirt with each other."

We so haven't.....

"Woah! no, no, no, no, no! We didn't sleep together-" not like thy exactly. "-We are just friends, jules. I promise." I say. She shrugs and smirks. "friends one day, lovers the next."

"If you keep dragging it on, I'm going to tell Carter."

"Fair deal, Maxine."

"Oh honey, that's the best I'm good at."

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