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Tyler's POV

It's been a week since Tom got mad at max. Everything is pretty much normal. The only things that's really changed is when we have our nightmares. when I comfort her and ask her if she needs me to sleep with her, she Denys it.

But I know she wants me too.

When I have mine he comforts me but when I fall asleep she moved to her bed. And how I know that, is because I act as if I'm sleeping, because I haven't sleep in forever. I can't go back so sleep when I wake up from my nightmares. Hell, I act go to sleep at all.

It's all because of Thomas.

So I've been trying my best to get him to believe me so max will help em sleep and I can continue to protect her the way I was. So he finally agreed to come over and talk about it.

He walks through the door I had just opened for him and sits on the couch. I go over and sit down beside him. "What do you want Tyler?" He asks, rudely.

Your sister.

No! I did not say that! No, no, no, no! no! Do not think that, Tyler! You don't like max! no!

Damn myself.

"For you and your sister to make up." I tell him. He glares evilly at me. "why? What is us fighting doing to you?"

"Look dude, I've changed since high school. Her ex-boyfriend, Alex, is the one who put me up to it, so don't be mad at me and sure as hell don't get mad at max. She didn't do anything." I mean it. if Thomas does ANYTHING to max, I'll kill him. I don't care if he's her brother.

He stands. "Your something Tyler. But I don't trust you." he walks over to the door and opens it. He stops and looks at the ground. He stays silent for a minute before speaking. "I'll talk to max. But I will Never forgive or forget what you did to her. So whatever thing you have for her, I'd watch your back."

Then he leaves.

I sigh and lean back on the couch. I cover my eyes with my hands and try to clear the stress.

Carter was right. I like max.

I like her a lot.


Maxs POV

I cant even believe myself for still talking to Tyler. So it's hard enough when I want him to cuddle with me so I can actually sleep but i still tell him no.

He usually listens to me and backs off. But I can see it in his eyes that he's worried. Or maybe That's just tired.

Anyway, either way, Tom still hasn't talked to me. I've sent him plenty of texts and called him but he never replies to any of them. I'm starting to get real pissed at him for being such a dick. It's getting on my nerves.

So when I drive home today and I get a text from him, I'm VERY surprised and happy.

Tom heart: hey max, I'm sorry for being such an asshole to you. It's Tyler I should be telling off, even though he was the one who told me to talk to you. Anyway, sorry. Please forgive me?

Wait......tyler told him to talk to me?

Man I want to go up to him and give him a big hug right now. I can't believe HE actually got TOM to tall to me.

Max heart: I forgive you, Tom. And just don't take it out on anyone okay? Take it out on a punching bag.

Tom heart: Lol, whatever.

Thank gosh, things are back o normal.


I open the front door to the apartment and run in. Tyler sits on the couch and I don't take any time before I jump onto his lap and bear hug him. He flinched and chuckled lightly before wrapping his arms around my back.

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