Chapter 4

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A/N There will be detail of self harm in this chapter so if it may be triggering to you don't read after it says trigger warning.
"Miss Caffrey it's good to see you awake." A deep male voice said alerting me to the fact that I wasn't the only one in the room. The deep voice belonged to a tall doctor with short brown hair and piercing blue eyes. Around the room was Alex, Mozzie and a woman who smiled kindly at me and of course the doctor.

"Where's my dad?" I asked in desperation. I needed him. I needed him to tell me everything would be okay and that Mum was fine but I knew that it was unlikely that it was the case. The atmosphere in the room suddenly got extremely tense and awkward and I knew something had happened as the doctor, the woman and Moz left the room to give Alex and I privacy.

"Tal your dad he's back in prison. I'm sorry but the Fed is trying to get him to agree to another deal to get him out of prison but so far it's not going well."

"So far? How long was I asleep for?" I questioned Alex it couldn't of been too long could it?

"Tal you've been in a coma for a month and a half. The doctors were starting to think you wouldn't wake up." I sat up in my hospital bed as I heard the shocking news. How could I be in a coma for a month and a half and Dad didn't even try to see me.


I spent a further two weeks in the hospital before being allowed to leave. I was hoping I would be put in the system as it would be an easy escape but unfortunately for me that was not the case. I was being placed with the Burke's which was the absoloute last place I wanted to be.

I had moved in with the Burke's last night and so far I only left the guest bedroom for food and drink. Today I started back at school and I was not looking forward to it. Elizabeth had offered me a lift to school but I politely declined as I was meeting Mozzie before school.

I tried to extract as much information as I could from Mozzie before school which I ended up not getting much information from. Alex, who was with Mozzie at the time I met with him had offered to walk me to school. When I say offered Alex didn't give me a choice in the matter.

After arriving at school Alex left me, more than likely going to plan her next heist with Mozzie. At school I did everything to avoid attention and yet once again because luck hates me I did everything but that. Infact I attracted more attention then a Tiger at a zoo.




"Do yourself and everyone else a favour and bleed out whore!"

I tried to ignore the harsh words that were shouted at me across school but it was hard when everybody is doing the same thing. School dragged on so much and I was beyond happy when the final bell rang.

Walking home was maybe even worse than school as if anyone approached me there would be no one to help me. My whole body shook with severe anxiety all the way back to the Burke's and I had to keep checking nobody was following me.

Peter and Elizabeth were both at work when I got in so I decided to go up to the guest room I was staying in. I dead bolted the door and reached in my bag for a little box. The metallic box at the bottom of my bag contained several razor blades. I picked up the sharpest razor blade and dragged the metallic blade across my porcelain skin spilling red blood out of my arm.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2020 ⏰

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