Chapter 3

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The Feds had put Jason and Maria in young offenders on opposite sides of New York which had made everything harder.When I entered the room full of young offenders my eyes found their way to Jason immediately and I smiled brightly at him.

Jason embraced me in a tight hug and I never wanted him to let go of him but unfortunately I had to as the guards were edging towards us and I didn't want to get kicked out before I got a chance to speak to Jason. "Jase my dad he- he's making us move I don't want to go but I can't lose him." I was torn I loved Jason and he had always been there for me while my dad was in prison but I needed my dad he was my only family.

Jason didn't want me to leave New York but he understood why I had to. He would do anything to see his parents again and so would Maria. Jason and Maria were my family and had been for more than 3 years but it wasn't the same so they both understood why I had to go with my parents.

Tonight was the night of the heist and I was stuck at home with June, my babysitter for tonight to make sure I didn't leave the house. Although, I wasn't complaining June was showing me how to play and win a lot of money in poker.
"Tal? Tal? wake up we've got to go in an hour." Dad was sat on my bed shaking me awake.

"Okay I'm up" I muttered tiredly as I sat up and glared at my phone. It was 7 AM and I shouldn't be up for at least another three hours.

Kate was waiting for us on the plane when Peter showed up. Ew Feds. I didn't like the Feds at all and there was a time my father didn't either but all of that had changed. I had decided to wait on the plane for my dad as I couldn't stand the sight of my dad cozying up to the Feds who had ruined my life. I rolled my suitcase behind me as I walked towards the plane but a fiery explosion threw me backwards. "Talia!" I heard the shrill scream from my dad as I heard him running towards me but I could no longer see and my hearing was going as the darkness took over my senses.

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