Chapter 3 The Virgin Alphas

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For the next couple of day, there was nothing much to do, they just sit around watching the sea, talking about random things, and occasionally walking around to get some water and food

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For the next couple of day, there was nothing much to do, they just sit around watching the sea, talking about random things, and occasionally walking around to get some water and food.

"It's been two days, how long are we going to have to wait?" Ask Jimin, no really expecting Jungkook to know the answer. But he was missing having real food other than just coconut, banana and mango. "I want real food" Jimin added.

"We could try to catch some fishes and cook them" suggested Jungkook.

"Yes, that sounds like a plan" said Jimin, immediately getting up. That will give them something to do. Been in the island was getting boring. Jimin wish he could have his mobile to check on his social media.

Jungkook walk behind Jimin towards the beach. There was no real plan of how to catch a fish, hopefully they can just catch them with their hands. There were plenty of them close to the shore, there was no need to go deep into the oceans to see them. But the little creatures were fast. Every time Jungkook saw one and try to grab it, the little one just slipped away. And then he try again, and again, an one more time with zero luck. Jimin was laughing every time Jungkook miss it, and even Jungkook was staring to have fun, smiling full teeth when he almost caught one, but then slipped away from his hands. Jimin couldn't stop laughing. Then he decide to get in, just a few feet from Jungkook, to try his luck. He waited for a few seconds, slowly move his hands under the water and in a moment Jimin grab a fish by its tail.

"I got it!" He yell, making Jungkook look at him impressed.

"Beginners luck" say Jungkook jokingly, and then going again after another fish, but end up the same, with no fish

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"Beginners luck" say Jungkook jokingly, and then going again after another fish, but end up the same, with no fish. Jimin throw his fish to the sand and went again for a second one. He walk slowly into the water and waited for another fish to get close to his feet. Once again Jimin saw an opportunity and grab the fish tail as easy as grabbing a coin from the floor, and once again he caught a second fish.

"I got dinner" say Jimin waving the fish and walking out of the water. Jungkook smile. He found something that jimin can do better than Jungkook, catching fish.

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