Chapter 14 Going Back

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After the helicopter took off, and Hoseok realize that Jimin's heat was starting. He did felt a little concerned to have send him away with an Alpha, but he knew Jungkook will take good care of him. Suddenly Yoongi's phone beep. He grab it from his pocket and unlock the screen.

"What is this?" Say Yoongi reading the message.

"What? Is that Jungkook" Hobi thought maybe he was texting from the helicopter.

"No... look" he show the screen to his mate. Hobi's facia expression change form smile to somber.

"We Have a problem... should we let them know?" Since now Jimin has a device that can reach signal for any emergency, Hobi thought maybe this could be an emergency.

"No, let them have their time together, we deal after they come back" said Yoongi. Hobi agreed.

 Hobi agreed

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In the helicopter it was hard to talk with all the wind and loud noise from the blades. They had those microphones that allows you to talk to one another, but even the pilot was connected to it, so any conversation they had, the pilot would be able to hear.

Both passengers were silent, looking outside, afraid to look at each other. Except for the quick glance they did to the other, specially Jimin, who was just starting to realize that something wasn't ok. Maybe because he hasn't seen Jungkook in moths, but he is finding him a lot more attractive.

The pilot give a sudden move that made the inside of the cabin slightly shift to one side, making Jimin bump into Jungkook. That made both men nervous.

"Sorry" whisper Jimin through the mic, for bumping into him, and move back to sit in his place.

"It's alright" reply Jungkook.

"Everything good?" Ask the pilot when he hear the apologizing Jimin. Reminding them that the pilot was listening too.

"Yea, all is good" reply Jungkook to the pilot, Suddenly noticing Jimin's subtle scent. He look at Jimin, but this one avoided looking back at him, but Jungkook notices Jimin's rosy cheeks.

Jimin was starting to shake his leg up and down as his anxiety was rising. Jungkook first reaction was to grab Jimin's knee to try to calm him down, but Jimin immediately move his knee away.

"Are we almost there?" Ask Jungkook to the pilot, thinking that will reassure Jimin about how much longer he need to be in the helicopter.

"We're there" reply the pilot. Making Jimin and Jungkook look out side. And there it was, the island. It seem much more smaller than they remember. But still beautiful, like time hasn't pass in this place.

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