Chapter 5 Pheromones

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Chapter 5

The following day, Jimin couldn't look at Jungkook directly to his face

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The following day, Jimin couldn't look at Jungkook directly to his face. He felt to embarrassed about his dream, even though Jungkook had no idea. But every time he look at him during a conversation, he can feel his body trembling, remembering the hot passionate kiss he give him in his dream.

"Now that our house is done, I think we should make a raft. I've been thinking we could go back to the yacht and get some stuff we could use around here." Jungkook suggested.

"What about the sharks?" Jimin ask.

"I'll be fine as long as we stay in the raft."Jungkook added.
So on that day, both men begin a new project to keep them occupied. Thankfully it seem like Jimin's cycle suddenly stop, but now it has become unstable. With Jimin having hot flushes and continuously wet dreams, even when he was awake. But so far, nothing he couldn't control.

"Could you hand me that vine, please" ask Jungkook while holding the last piece that will keep the raft together. They been working together on this new project for three days. But something hasn't been the same. Jungkook feels like Jimin could be starting to lose his patients about the situation. It seem like he has become distant, they don't have conversations like before, other than what is needed. Despite Jungkook asking Jimin several times if he was feeling ok, or if he wants to talk about something, Jimin seem to refuse. So Jungkook decided to just let him be.

"It's done" said Jungkook "Should we put it to the test?" He ask.

"You think it will work?" Jimin ask, not that he doubted Jungkook's ability. But it seem like it needed something more.

Jungkook drag the raft through the sand, while Jimin sat by the beach watching Jungkook's strong arms pushing the heavy board into the water. Once the whole thing was already floating in the water, Jungkook jump in it, but the moment he jump, the raft broke into two pieces. Making Jungkook fall. Jimin couldn't stop laughing to the point of throwing himself on the sand with an hysterical laugh. Jungkook stand up from the water completely wet, hair on his face, and looking at Jimin laughing. The sight of Jimin laughing was making Jungkook at ease. At least Jimin seem happy now.

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