(Chapter 8) EMMIE

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I took a deep breath before walking through the double doors into the food hall. I went to collect my food tray feeling the eyes of a few hundred of people burning a hole in the back of my head. I ignored them, held my head high, and walked over to where Cora and the others were sat waiting. As I approached the table I braced myself for the comments and possible telling off from Cora. She and I have been best friends ever since she once stood between me and a boy I was trying to fight for calling Kit names when we were 12.

"Here's the trouble maker" Milo tilted his head back to see me and winked as he announced my presence to our table and the rest of the food hall.

"Do you have a death wish?" Cora said, her eyes darted between me and the rest of the room, who were no doubt trying to eavesdrop on our conversation.

"I think she was rather....brave" Cameron added.

"Rather stupid that's what she is" Cora stated.

"What was I supposed to do?" I shrugged. "She electrocuted me." I placed my tray of food on the table and took the seat across from her and Cameron.

"You're not supposed to throw someone across the room" She replied.

"She electrocuted me," I said slowly emphasizing the word electrocuted.

"Well, if you ask me I thought it was pretty badass. About time something entertaining happened around here "Milo added and I noticed Silver roll her eyes at him.

"You better hope none of the superiors witnessed your little spectacle. The last thing you want to do is draw their attention." Cora warned.

"Have you been speaking Kit?" I asked.

"Maybe" Cora looked down at her tray and starting picking at her food. I was not expecting that.

"And what exactly have you two been talking about?" I felt my pulse rise and my cheeks became hot.

"We both agreed that it's probably for the best if you don't use your powers to make... a scene," she said.

"For the best?! The only person, who knows what's best for me, is me." The irritation must have been all over my face.

"You wouldn't know what's best for you if it hit you in the face" Cora clenched her teeth.

"I'm sorry, was I supposed to just sit back and let her fry me?" I shot back.

"You could have killed her" the table went silent. I looked around, everyone avoided eye contact with me but I could see a look of agreement on everyone's faces.

"Is that what you all think of me? That I'm some sort of monster waiting to be unleashed." I said. I took the silence that followed as a yes and stood to leave.

"Emmie wait. That's not what I meant--." Cora said as she also stood.

"Forget it". I said before turning to leave.

I walked down the hallway towards the sleeping quarters, my thoughts were making my heart race and I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks. I clenched my fists and decided to look for Kit. He's been talking to Cora about me behind my back. They think I'm some unstable freak that's going to one day flip and kill someone. Maybe they were right. No. I'm not a monster. I may not know much about my power but I would never intentionally kill somebody.

"Going somewhere?" I heard a voice ask. I stopped in my tracks to see Killian staring down at me.

"I'm looking for Kit, have you seen him?" I brushed a strand of hair off my face and tried not to look flustered. Killian started slowly walking up to me. Each step he took forward, I took one back until I was backed up against the wall with him breathing down my neck. I looked around frantically hoping someone would walk by.

"You should have been mine you know." I felt his breath on my face and swallowed the sick in my mouth.

"You and I would have been unstoppable." He slowly stroked the side of my arm and my skin crawled.

"He doesn't deserve you" He whispered in my ear.

"Don't touch me" I spat each word like they were venom and pushed against his chest. He drew back and he had the nerve to look furious with me.

"I can do whatever I like, daearies." He spat back as he put a hand around my throat and tightened his grip. If there was ever a time to use my power it was now and just like in the training room all my anger came rushing to the surface. I saw the reflection of my eyes in his turn from pale blue to crimson red and before he could react he flew backward, cracking the wall behind him as he fell to the ground unconscious. I placed my hands on the cold wall behind me breathing heavily, the panic in me starting to grow. I called out for Kit in my mind hoping he would come. I heard footsteps approaching and an alarm started ringing in my ears. I felt arms around me and I struggled as I was dragged from the hallways and thrown into the pit. Crap. Kit is going to kill me.

The Power of The Merge (Book 1 of the Daearies series)Where stories live. Discover now