(Chapter 9) KIT

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"That was quite the fight" General Sinclair stated with a look of greed in those black eyes as he made his way across the training room towards me.
"Your daearies. She's different from the others."
"Yes, Sir," I answered with a lazy smile. I straightened my back and tried to look unbothered by him mentioning Emmie.
"She's impressive. It would be interesting to see her in action out in the field. I predict she will prove to be useful in our fight against the rebellion." There it was. He was already thinking of ways he could use her power and there was no way I was going to let him anywhere near her. I'm going to get her out, far away from this place, away from people like him.
"We would be honored to serve in the golden army, Sir." I lied.
"I have been watching over your progress ever since the merge." He turned and walked a few steps away from me as if he was inspecting the room he'd seen a thousand times. "But your daearies seems to lack control. Or perhaps it is you who lacks control over your daearies" He turned with a faint smirk on his face. My mind began to race, I didn't know what to say so I stared at him blankly as though I had no idea what he was talking about.
"Tomorrow at the assessment put a leash on your daearies. I don't want any of the other daearies getting any ideas. I want to see her power can be controlled....by you." He pointed at me, his expression was cold and I fought the urge not to snap his finger in two. Before I could reply the sound of a screeching alarm along with flashing red lights pulled me out of my thoughts . I dropped my arms to my side; I knew exactly what type of alarm that was for. There has been some kind of attack. My stomach turned, I felt suddenly nauseous and my intuition told me that alarm had something to do with Emmie. Oh, please don't let it be Emmie. I prayed that Emmie was back in the sleeping quarters or with her friends in the food hall.
"Let us go and see what that is about shall we" General Sinclair motioned his arm towards the door and I fell into step beside him.

We turned a corner to see a soldier laying face down on the floor and a crowd of people around him. Medical personnel was attending to the nasty cut on the back of his head and it was then that I realized the wall behind him was cracked. The soldier started stirring, slowly regaining consciousness and as he lifted his head I realized it was Killian. He held a hand to his head as he looked around becoming aware of his surroundings and what had happened to him. When he locked eyes with me, his eyes widened and I instantly knew by the furious look he threw me that Emmie was involved. He stood up fast; momentarily losing his balanced and stormed over in my direction. When he noticed General Sinclair standing next to me he stood still, straightening his jacket in an attempt to compose himself in the presence of a superior.
"His daearies is crazy, she has lost her mind, and she attacked me" He nodded towards me. Whatever Emmie did had clearly bruised his ego more than anything. General Sinclair turned to me awaiting an explanation.
"I'm sure she had a reason," I said.
General Sinclair let out an annoyed breath "Where is his daearies now?" He asked the other soldiers on the scene.
"We took her to the pit, Sir." One of them replied.
"Very well, five hours in the pit. She is to have no contact with her soldier until those hours are up. And get that fixed." Sinclair pointed to the crack in the wall before turning to leave and Killian was in disbelief probably expecting a harsher punishment.

Separated for five hours? The longest we have been apart being two hours and by the end, the pain was so excruciating I had to take Emmie to the infirmary to get checked over.
"She was asking for it you know" Killian smirked, trying to get a rise out of me. Asking for what? What did he do to her? I ignored him and started to walk away noticing Cora and Cameron approaching us in the hallway.
"She better watch her back." He threatened. Without thinking I turned swiftly, grabbed him by the collar, and shoved him hard against the wall. His lips curled into a smile and he let out a low laugh.
"Kit!" I heard Cora shout in the distance.
"I don't know what you did, but if you ever lay a finger on her you won't live to see another day. I'll kill you myself." I threatened him pinning him to the wall. I silently dared him to threaten her again so I could use his head to make a crack in this wall too.
"You have two seconds to release him" I glanced to my right to see Raven standing with her hands by her sides and an amethyst light swirling around her closed fists. I did not feel like being electrocuted and so I backed away from Killian and stormed down the hallway passing the other soldiers, ignoring Cora and Cameron who were stood in disbelief at my unusual outburst, and down towards the pit. I should not of let him provoke me like that but hearing him threaten Emmie caused me to see red and it didn't help that I could feel Emmie's own anger. I shook my head hoping the thoughts would disappear and the rage would follow. I wasn't allowed to see Emmie but maybe being within close proximity will help ease the pain.

The five hours of Emmie's punishment was up, I waited outside the pit as a guard opened the door to release her. When she came out of the room I scanned her for any sign of injury, any sign that Killian had hurt her. There didn't seem to be any and we walked silently down the hallway heading back to the sleeping quarters to join the others in our unit. I could tell by her silence and the way she had her arms folded, almost defensively that whatever happened five hours ago is still affecting her. "What happened?" I asked but I wasn't sure I wanted to hear the answer.
"Nothing." She replied without looking at me. "What were you thinking?" We continued down the hallway.
"What?" She paused.
"I specifically told you not to draw any attention by using your power. General Sinclair seen you fight Raven and he knows what you did to Killian". She huffed and continued walking down the hallway more quickly and I followed alongside her.
"Are you not going to tell me what happened?" I asked again. She stopped and faced me "Maybe if you didn't insist on spending so much time away from me, I wouldn't have to use my power to defend myself against arrogant pigs!" She folded her arms and turned away as though she was remembering something she wanted to forget.
"Did he hurt you?" I asked softly though I feared the answer. I would kill him. I would kill anyone that tried to harm her. She brushed a strand of her from her face.
"I'm tired. The assessment is tomorrow, I need to rest." We continued to walk back to the sleeping quarters and I decided it is best not to push her any further.

The Power of The Merge (Book 1 of the Daearies series)Where stories live. Discover now