Jack G- Dr. Gilinsky

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(Your p.o.v)

I hate it, more like dread. Getting shots and scans were not my thing. I've always hated getting my skin invaded and chemicals dispersing into my system. Never thought of it like that huh?

We pulled up to a giant building with a glass exterior. The height was profound, towering over me. We checked in and sat in uncomfortable navy blue waiting chairs until my name was called. My mother looked over to me and nudged my arm with her elbow.

"It'll be fine." She whispered with her words being a reassurance.

"Y/N - Y/L/N?" The doctor called me as I lifted my head up. That's when my sight met a tall figure with dark brown hair. His orbs were also of the same color but with a glisten. His jaw a strong structure, making him far more attractive.

"Y-Yes." I shook my head slowly.

I got up, and turned to give her a nervous smile. He walked me down until a far room down the hall. He stepped in and closed the steel door behind him, as my breathing hitched.

"Take this gown and change into it." He said with a low husky voice.

I slowly slid my clothes off and looked up and caught him staring. He out of now where stepped closer to me when I was all done, he was just inches away from me. As I was wearing the gown I could feel the cold air coming from the back. His strong hands found their way to my waist and lifted me up and set me down onto the bed (seat thingy) that had a white covering. I looked up at him not wanting him to stop. He bent down and our lips crashed together.

He kissed the crook of my neck and left love bites (hickeys) everywhere. My fingers tugged onto his hair and made him let out a moan onto my skin which sent vibrations throughout my body. He threw off my gown, and I stood up and let him sit. I pulled off his pants and boxers painfully slow. His dick shooting straight up and hitting the lower part of his stomach.

I took him in my hands and began pumping as his face scrunched up and he dropped his head back. He shut his eyes.

I allowed him into my mouth as he repeatedly hit the back of my throat. I licked the head and blew cold air onto it sending him over the edge. Moans pouring from his lips. Before he was about to cum, I thought I would also have some fun. I straddled him and he gently pushed me down onto his throbbing hard dick. I grinded my hips against his and the pleasure was amazing. Moans spilled from both of our mouths. I squeezed my eyes shut and continued grinding on him. He stood up and let me sit as he put my leg over his shoulder for better access.

"Ooh fuck me harder, please doctor." I begged breathlessly.

He did it harder than ever as you can hear our skin connect. He massaged one boob as he sucked lightly on the other.

"Fuck, baby I'm about to cum." His voice hoarse into my ear.

I arched my back and we both released at the same time as he let out one last throaty moan. And I clawed his back, digging my nails into his back too hard that would surely leave marks. Our juices mixed as our lips found eachother yet again. Once we were done we cleaned ourselves up and I finally got the shot I have been fearing. Though it didn't seem to hurt that bad this time..
We both exited the room and I returned to my mother.

"How was it? Do you feel better?" She asked checking your arm and examining my now messy hair.

"I feel a lot better thanks." I turned to look at the doctor that was standing in the doorframe. I winked and walked away with my mom though I could see that he was staring at my arse making me sway my hips a bit more.

Ha the shots are the least of my worries now..

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