Morning Madness

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Morning Fluff

Warnings: None


Stuffed Animal's Name= (SA/N)

Mommy= Wanda


Peter's age 8

Tommy and Billy's age 6

y/n's age 2

The sunrise peeked through the blinds, as the sky started to wake up. Wanda's eyes fluttered open, and she smiled, taking in the scene in front of her. It was rare moments that she got to see the sight in front of her.

Nat had drool falling out the corner of her slightly opened mouth, her fire-red hair sprawled out on the pillow and some on her face, and little snores could be heard if you stood still enough. But most importantly she looked peaceful.

Nat always has the tendency to overwork herself and doesn't have a lot of leisure time to destress, so whenever Wanda sees Nat like this, in a moment of peace, she wants to prolong that moment as much as she can.

But as much as Wanda loves this moment, she knows it has to come to an end. She ever so gently pushed the hair out of Nat's face and tucked it behind her ear. She then started to plant butterfly kisses on the assassin's face, till she stirred. Nat's eyes then opened, as a small smile played its part on her face, as she saw her wife hovering above her with the sunlight hitting her face in all the right ways.

"Morning," Nat, croaked, voice full of morning grogginess.

"Morning," Wanda repeated, scrunching her nose, and biting her bottom lip. Nat then leaned up to kiss Wanda's nose. Wanda then moved her head up so Nat would kiss her lips instead. The spy leaned forward deepening the kiss, Wanda following in suit. Flipping the two over so that Nat was on top, she proceeded to kiss the Sokovian's lips, then jaw, then tenderly sucking on her neck. Things were getting heated until...

"Mommy, Mama!" followed by the sound of little feet pattering, and the door opening. The two pulled away and the sudden intrusion.

" I can't find (SA/N)." the small two-year-old mumbled with a pout. She then attempted to climb up the side of the bed. But her grip loosed on the comforter, and she fell off. Before the child could hit her head on the floor, red mist surrounds her, lifting her up and place her on her mommy's lap.

"Y/n, what have we talked about knocking, detka?"

"Sowwy mama, but it was an emergensee (emergency), I can't find (SA/N)." the little girl said franticly with tears in her eyes.

"Awww, I'm sorry dorogoy, it's going to be okay," Wanda cooed, and rested Y/n's nhead on her chest, then began rocking the two.

"But mommy they're wost, and pabbly (probably) scared." y/n said crying into her mother's arms.

" Don't worry (N/n), we'll hel-" Nat was then interrupted by and loud crash followed by a,

"Tommy did it!"

"Billy did it!" and as usual the twins then began to loudly bicker.

Then entered the oldest of the four. Peter. He plopped down on the bed next to his Mama and nuzzled into the side of her leg.

"chto ne tak, detka?" Nat asked rubbing his back.

"I' m tired and the twins are making too much noise," he mumbled.

"Tommy, Billy," Wanda called, only to hear another crash.

Peter then picked up his head and look and his mom's lap, finally noticing his baby sister was sitting there with red puffy eyes and a pout on her face.

"Awww, Y/n, what's wrong sestra?" He asked caressing her cheek. The little girl just shook her head while rubbing her eye with her small balled fist, and nuzzled her face into the crook of her mommy's neck.

"No, I'm not!" Billy said shoving Tommy to the side, and entering the room.

"Are too!" Tommy said elbowing him.

"Boys!" Wanda said giving them a stern look that said ' Cut it out, or all hell was bout to break loose'.

"Sorry" they both mumble.

" ,Now what are you two fight about now?" Nat asked the two patting the space near the foot of the bed, inviting them to sit.

"Well first Tommy called me a dorka-"

What's wrong (N/n)!?" Tommy exclaimed pushing the younger twin out of the way and scoping Y/n into his arms.  

"I c-can't find (SA/N)."  Y/n cried as she wrapped her arms around her big brother. 

"Don't worry Y/n, we will help you find (SA/N),"  Billy said, planting a kiss on her forehead. " Right guys?" 

"Of course we will"  Peter and Tommy said, peppering her face with more kisses, causing the youngest to giggle and squeal uncontrollably, this soon turned into a tickle fight. The two avengers just sat back in eachothers arms, watching their little family.

" Well, based on how caring the boys are towards Y/n, I think we don't have to worry about interrogating her S.O. when she starts dating." The spy said to her lover.

" Uh-ah, Y/n won't be allowed to date.Ever." Peter interjected
"Ever." The twins joined in. "Now, how bout we go find a lost (SA/N), yeah?"

"Yeah!" The twins shouted causing Y/n to let a loud squeal.

"Yeaaa," the two parents exclaimed.

They all then jumped out of bed and filled out of the room looking for (SA/N)


Detka ~ Baby

Drogoy~ sweetheart

"chto ne tak, detka?" ~ what's wrong baby

Sestra~ sister 

WandaNat x daughter!readerWhere stories live. Discover now