First Day of School

1.6K 54 6

Mommy- Wanda


Y/n age: 4 

Wordcount 3.9k

First day of school.

Wanda's POV

The alarm blared and my eyes snapped open. Shit was about to go down. What happened next can either go very well or extremely horrible, all I can do is hope for the best. I then roll over and nudge my wife. "Baby get up."

"Nooooo" she groans into her pillow " Five more mins," she says rolling over on her side away from me. Whatever happened to this time-punctual assassin?

"Babe, we have to get up now," I say, nudging her harder.

"Wands leave me alone,"   She says as she drags the covers over her head.  

" Natash come on, I don't plan on being late for today." I say nudging even harder.


"Natalia, NOW!" I say pushing her off the bed. I'm tired too, any other time I would love to sleep in. Between being a mother and saving the world 25/8, we hardly have time for sleep or a moment of relaxation.

"Alright I'm up!" She erupts from off the floor, her bedhead making her look like one of Y/n's stuffed animals.  She lets out a huff in frustration and then stretches like a cat. 

"WAIT! OMG! TODAY IS THE DAY!" Natash shoots up when the realization suddenly slaps her in the face.

"Yea I know" I say with a duh expression.

"Why didn't you wake me sooner!"   


Wanda and Natasha had been looking forward to this day for months. It was their daughter Y/N's first day of kindergarten and they were excited to see her embark on this new journey. The night before, Y/N had been talking nonstop about how she was going to make new friends and learn new things at school. Wanda and Natasha couldn't be more proud of their little girl.


(3rd POV)

"Knock, Knock.Y/n, rise and shine, the adventures of today await you!" Nat said bursting into the room with energy in stark contrast to just a few moments before. But all of her efforts were pointless as she was met with the sound of silence, a foreign concept in the Maximoff-Romanoff house-hold.

"Time to get up." Nat said, snatching away the blanket. "Come on bubs, we don't want to be late on the first day now, do we?" And in that moment y/n sprang up and dashed out the room door and into the bathroom. "No running!" The spy called out after her.  


Y/N was dressed in a pair of overalls, a black widow tee shirt, and her favorite sweater with a sunflower embroidered on it, gifted to her by her aunty Lena. She grabbed a hairbrush, her sparkly headband and dashed toward the kitchen, and bumped right into a tall and sturdy frame "Y/n, what have I told you about running in the house, little lady?" 

"To not too" the younger girl sheepishly replied from the floor.

"Mhm right." The witch offered her a hand off the ground and headed toward the kitchen. "Ready for breakfast Malysh? I made French toast."

"Yay! French toast is my favorite. Thank you, Mommy." Y/n fervently replied and dashed to the kitchen.


  Y/N clutched her backpack tightly as she walked with her moms toward the school. As they got closer, Y/N's excitement turned into nerves. She started to cling to her moms' hands and refused to let go.                                                                                                                                                       
Wanda and Natasha stood outside the school gates, holding hands as they watched their daughter, Y/N, with a mixture of excitement and nervousness. It was Y/N's first day of kindergarten, and she had been eagerly looking forward to it since the night before.

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