WandaNat having a baby! (HC)

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~They were obsessed with you before you were even born.
~Going crazy over things like names, gender, who would you act more like, what you would look like, what your likes and dislikes would be, what you would be allergic to.
~Lena and Piet suggested they have a gender reveal party, but Wan and Tasha said no, wanting it to be a surprise.
~In the end they didn't care about any of this, they would just love you and be happy with you.

-Laura, and Melina planned the baby shower, and put together your nursery, as a surprise for them.
~A very cottage core/fairy themed baby shower, and your nursery was giving "Winnie the Pooh meets minimalist" as Yelena likes to put it.
~Wanda is OBSESSED with the basket rocking chair that sits in the corner next to the windows.

~When Wanda's water broke it happened during the middle of a team movie night.
~The team was in panic except Pepper, who had given birth to her second child Morgan, about a month ago.
~Sam fainted.
~Nat was going ballistic making sure that everything was ready, and making sure Wanda was okay, Just wanting everything to be perfect.

~Having two of the most caring parents ever.
~Wanda cried and screamed during the whole thing.
~The pain was like nothing she had ever experienced.
~Nat was scared out of her shit
~"You're doing great Honey" Nat said, trying not to cry at how hard Wanda was squeezing her hand.
~"Yes Detka?"
~Let's just say Nat made sure to not even breathe too loud.

~When Nat first laid eyes on you, it was like her usual, stone-cold exterior was non existent. And she exploded into a spill or tears, that just wouldn't stop.
~"moya lyubov, she's beautiful" the russian said with leaky eyes
~" It took me 9 months, let me see my finish product, '' Wanda said in an impatient and hoarse voice.

-Also having two of the most overprotective parents ever.
~When you were born, Steve had to restrict Nat in a bear hug to stop her from following the doctors, as they got you cleaned up and gave you various shots and vaccinations.
~"Steven, let. me. go."
~"Only if you promise to go back with Wanda and wait."
~"But what if something goes wrong?"
~"Nat, Tony got you two, only the best of the best doctors in the world. let them do their job. I was the same way when Jamie was born, But Bucky told me I just have to trust the process, and I did, and everything was fine."

~Yelena and Pietro having an argument on who gets to hold your first.
~When it escalates to a physical level, Wanda restrains them into two chairs in separate corners of the room.
~"Five minutes of time out. You guys are making more of a fuss than the !baby."
~Laura ended up holding you first.
~"She has your eyes and your smile. I'm so proud of you sweetheart" she said, placing a kiss on Wanda's temple.
~Pietro cried when he held you.
~ "Don't forget to support her head!" Wanda reminded him
~"Yea, yea I know"
~He then sat back on the couch as Nat placed you in his arms, and then heading to the lobby.
~"Hi Detka, I can't wait to cause so much trouble with you" he said, scratching your hand with his finger. But then you grabbed his finger and squeezed it with a smirk, causing him to gasp loudly.
~"What?! What's wrong!?!" Nat replied in panic and she walked in the room with Melina and Alexie, only to find everything was okay.
~"Oh nothing, I just have another partner in crime"
~"I want to see my granddaughter!" Alexie's voice boomed.
~"Well you better get in line." Lena said, gently cradling you in her arms. "You are so cute baby, wait. Sestra, what name did you two decide for the baby?"
~"Do you want to tell them?" The spy said, pushing some loose strands of hair behind the witch's ear.
~"You can tell them, I know your were excited to"
~"Y/n Yelena Pietra Maximoff"
Pietro cried some more.

~When they brought you home life was definitely more challenging.
~Especially with four babies around the tower.
~Sleep, peace, and quite, became foreign concepts
~Natasha took off 4 months of field jobs, so that she could help Wanda with whatever she needed.
~And by help, I mean she did everything, not allowing Wanda to lift a finger.
~"Baby you've already done so much for me, including giving me a child. Your body is tired and it's going to go through some post-birth changes. The least that I can do is this, so please let me. I fed y/n and put her down for a nap, so go have some you time."
~"I love you more than words can describe" wanda replies before giving Nat a kiss

~You were a very cuddly baby, that hardly ever cried
~You always liked to be held and often fused when you weren't
~So ideally you would often find Nastah walking around the tower with you in a baby sling attached to her chests.
Which was one of Wanda's favorite sights
~There is an avengers gc just to share baby photos of Morgan, Y/n, Jamie and Pete
~One of the silly things you would do was play copy-cat, and mimic whatever facial expression your mama would make.
~You loved bath time. Tho your baby bath time photos will haunt you in the future.
~Storytime every night with Wanda, and Natasha singing Russian lullabies to you as she rocked you to sleep.

~You were a cheeky baby
~You loved playing peek-a-boo with your auntie Lena, and always shrieked with laughter when Pietro would run around you in circles.
~There was never a time where you weren't so smiley and giggly
~You, Morgan, Jamie, and Peter quickly became best friends.
~If anyone thought that having four babies in the tower was rough, then they had no clue of what was going to hit them, for when the four of you hit the toddler stage
~As you got older you became more of a handful

A/N: It's been a great weekend. My gf came home this weekend from school, and I got to spend all of my time with her. I told her I haven't been writing as much as I want to because my schedule is always so full. So she challenged me to write something everyday this week. And I've been iin such a good mood lately, I was like okay, it could be fun. So I decided for today I could do a hc.

Feel free to comment. I love hearing from the readers, and am opened to getting some feedback.

Hope you enjoyed <3

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