Little Moments #1

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Y/n age: 3 1/2 

Mommy: Wanda 

Mama: Nat 

(Not proof-read)

(No one's  pov)

Y/n left the kitchen with a smug look on her face and walked over to the couch to where her mama was, peacefully laying down reading a book.  Y/n then straddled her mother's lap, casing the red-head to stop her reading, and put her book on the coffee table. 

"Hi mama," she said sweetly placing a kiss on her mama's nose.  

"Hi baby," Nat said squishing the child's cheeks together, making her look like a fish. 

"Mama, you're so pwetty, and I wove you so mush, I wove you this mush." She said spreading her arms as far as possible, with a cheeky smile. 

" What do you want Y/n?" Nat dead  " What do you mean mam-" 

" Cut the mess Y/n." 

"Fine," Y/n said with a defeated sigh " I wanna some of da cwookies from yesterday's night," she said with puppy dog eyes.  

" But baba, Mommy is making dinner." 

"I know dat mama, but I wanna cwookies, I neeeeeeeed cwookies." Y/n dramatically decreed. 

"Well, what did mommy say?" Nat said playing with some on Y/n hair. 

" Well, Mommy says 'no'." 

"Y/nnnnn," nat dragged out "If mommy said no, then why are you asking me?" Nat asked with a confused face.

"P'cause, Mommy 's not da boss, of you." She replied with a smirk, poking Nat's chest.

" Shit. It's a trap, Natalia, don't fall for it."  was all that was racking through her mind.  

A/N: This was sitting in my drafts. Idk why I didn't post this, but it is just some little domestic moments Between Wanda, Natasha, and their Smol Bean. Will be posting more chapters soon. Also, question, do you (as readers) like when I include Peter, Tommy, and Billy, into the story? 

Till next time, (which will probably be today)... 

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