The Queen of Hearts ch1

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The high grass from the ground felt soft against my skin as the song of the waves put the worries in my mind at ease. The gentle breeze trilled through my hair. Devoted hands met mine, firm, soft, and comforting, with lips greeting my shoulders in tender hugs.
"You, Y/n, are the most beautiful in all of Sokovia." I turn my gaze to meet the eyes that could hold me captive till the end of time. "My lips, two blushing pilgrims, read my stand, To smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss." My cheeks heat at the soft admissions. My hands reach up to hold their face, my fingers gently tracing a faint scar along the jawline. "You are my reason for living, Y/n." It's the peace in moments like this that I yearn for—picnics on grassy hills overlooking the sea, accompanied by the smell of the raw ocean breeze. "I love you," falls hushedly from my tongue. "O then, dear saint, let lips do what hands do." Clement hands met my cheeks with the declaration, "They pray." succulent lips find mine in an alliance of intimacy. "I love you too, Y/n." To live and to love is a requirement of life. "Y/n, "
"Yes, my love?"
"Y/n, you have to go"
"But I don't want to go yet."
"But you have to, Y/n"

"Y/N! Wake up!" I jumped up at the sudden intrusion, my mind still encased in the terrific dream. Sunlight floods the room as curtains are drawn, and I am partially blinded.

Tugging the blankets over my head, I flop back onto the bed. "Ugh, let me sleep." I hurried to close my eyes, desperate to return to the blissful dream. "No, can do Y/n/n. A full and hectic day awaits you. Now Up!"Goosebumps rush to cover me as the comforters are ripped from my hands.

"Is this any way to treat your crowned princess, slash, soon-to-be queen?" I retorted. "Okay, one, when she is being a bitch in the morning, yes. And two, the crowned princess cannot be queen without marrying. And that will never happen if you don't get out of bed, so let's go! "

How dare she? I'm a crowned princess. "America, you know I have the power to put your head on a pike, to use as a lawn ornament, right?" I say, stretching my arms and back. "Yes, I do, but you'd be too lonely without me. You'd have no one to gossip with." She moved to start changing the linens on my bed as I slipped into the bathroom for a quick wash.

"I could always talk with, ummm, Nebula! " America throws her head back, and her shoulders shake with laughter. "Yeah, right, the most you'd get is her long face, turning into an even longer face," I guess she's right. Nebula was always the type to be without many words. Like last year in December, I got her a new knife and said, 'Merry Christmas,' and all she did was grunt.

"Now that we've established that I'm irreplaceable and your best friend till death do us part, I need to get you dressed for today. I don't want to get backlash for you making me late." She ranted as she shoved me behind the dressing screen, where a lace fern green gown had hung. "Ugh, today is going to be a long day." I slip on the garments and step out. "How do I look?"

She faces me with shoes in hand. "Like you're almost ready to marry your suitor. Come sit," she pats the seat at the vanity and places the shoes on the ground. "I know you are nervous to meet your suitor, but don't be?" what does she mean 'don't be nervous?'

"How could I not be nervous when I haven't met them and know nothing about them? I mean, it's not like we are marrying for love-." she lets out a curious hmm as she glances powder and blushes upon my face. "Natural or bold lips today?"

"Natural, please," I said, handing her a calm color that she then applied to my lips. "But, like, it's not like we're marrying for love, you know? This isn't even about me. It's about my mom's gaining allegiances. For my Mom's stupid eastern expansion, or whatever. What if they are impolite, dumb, or have a stupid haircut? *gasp* What if he snores?" She gives me a look that reads, Really? That's what you're worried about?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28 ⏰

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