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Many and Billie are 19 now, both are much tougher than before. Endless days of training, blood, sweat, and tears were shed. But now, they were ready. "Uncle Deck, we'll be fine." Billie says hugging her uncle one last time. "See ya Uncle Deck." Mandy says hugging Deckard. "Bye girls, remember what I told you." Deckard says. "Don't piss Owen off." Both girls recite. "Good, stay safe out there." Deckard says as he sends the girls out. 

Mandy cut her hair up to above her shoulders, while Billie grew hers to below her shoulders. They walked towards the car and sat inside. They drove for multiple hours, pulling up at an abandoned warehouse. "Wow." Mandy says as they step out. They walk inside being led by the person that brought them there. "I got them boss." The man says. "Good, thank you Jah. How's my niece...and her friend." Owen says. "We happen to be fine." Billie says staring her uncle in the eyes. Owen and Billie have a stare off until Owen smirked and walked off.

Mandy and Billie look at each other in confusion but they follow him. "Now, you both can drive, correct?" Owen questions causing Billie and Mandy to give curt nods. "Good." Owen says as they continue walking, passing by a place where multiple people were stood. "Everyone!" Owen shouts causing Mandy and Billie to jump slightly. "We have new recruits, this is Billie my niece, and her friend Mandy." Owen says causing a certain brunette to look up and make eye-contact. Alex grins widely causing Mandy to look down covering her smile.

Owen went over some rules, and they continued working when Owen left. Billie immediately ran up to Gabrielle hugging her tightly. Alex slowly walked over to Mandy who had her hands in her pocket, a smile on her face. "I-" They both start before laughing. "You first." Mandy says. "I just- I really missed you." Alex says as he hugs her. "Hey love birds, we have work to do." A familiar voice says. Mandy looks up and sees a face she thought she'd never see again. 'Letty' Mandy thinks to herself. But Letty didn't look at her with that same face of recognition, she looked at her as if she was a stranger. Mandy and Alex break apart awkwardly, walking over to the table. 

Brian couldn't believe it, it was her. Hobbs was working with them now and he caught some CCTV footage of a blonde girl and a brunette walking down the streets of England, towards a black car. "That must be Billie." Dom says pointing at the brunette. "And that's Mandy." Brian says pointing at the blonde. "It has to be them." Brian says, he knew his sister, and that was his sister.

Mandy was looking over some new plans. She had only just got there an hour ago and she was already going over plans with the others. "Do you understand?" Owen questions her causing her to nod. "Good." Owen says tossing a bag at her. Mandy catches it, almost falling. "You leave tomorrow." Owen says as he walks away. Mandy nods and walks away. She walks down a hall, being pulled into a room. "What the-" She stops as a hand was put over her mouth. She looked over and saw Alex, his now shaggy hair over his eyes. "Hey." Alex says the familiar cheeky smile on his face.

"Hey." Mandy says a smile on her face. Alex picks up the duffel bag and places it next to his bed. He then sat down and invited her to sit next to him, which she gladly accepted. He then noticed the chain around her neck causing him to raise a brow. "What's that?" Alex questions bringing the chain, revealing his black ring. "It didn't fit on any of my fingers." She says a smile on her face. "You kept it." Alex says a wide grin on his face. "Why wouldn't I?" She questions.

"I don't know." Alex says as he lies down. Mandy raises a brow causing him to grin and open his arms. Mandy rolls her eyes and lies down next to him. "Alex?" She questions causing him to hum. "Yeah?" He questions. "I gotta tell you something." She says as she sits up. Alex's stomach dropped as he looked at her. "Yeah?" Alex questioned, moving his hair out of his face. "Ever since we were 13, I've always had this massive crush on you." She says causing Alex's eyes to widen, but a grin to appear on his face. "Really?" Alex questions, looking at the girl whose hair was covering her face as she looked down.

"Hey." He says as he puts his pointer finger underneath her chin, causing her to look up. "I've always had a crush on you too." He says as he presses his lips against hers. Mandy's mind went blank, she had never done this before. But just as quickly as it started it ended. "You okay?" Alex questions. Mandy looked up, a happy grin on her face as she grabbed both sides of his face and presses her lips against his, his eyes widen but he wraps an arm around her waist and brings a hand to the back of her head. He leaned back, sitting up in the process. He grabbed her waist, bringing her closer, she grinned as she brought her hands to his hair. 

Now with Billie and Gabrielle. Gabrielle was laying on Billie's chest as Billie played with Gabrielle's hair. "I missed you." Gabrielle says with a smile. "I missed you too." Billie says as she brings up their intertwined hands and kisses the back of Gabrielle's hand. "Billie?" Gabrielle questions causing Billie to look down and make eye contact with Gabrielle. "I love you." Gabrielle says causing Billie's heart to flutter. "Good, I love you too." Billie says leaning down and kissing Gabrielle's forehead. 

Now it was 5 am. Mandy's alarm went off and she sat up. She grabbed her bag and put her boots on. She could hear Alex grumble in his sleep causing her to smile. She walks over, her bag slung over her shoulder as she leaned down and kissed his head. "I'll see you soon." She says as she walks out of the room, meeting Owen. It was time for her first job.

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