hostile affairs and drunken love

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Your still sitting in your room and Bella was taking freaking forever! omg i'm going down there she's taking too long
You get downstairs and there's a meeting and you peek your head in to see in the room. You see Bella and she's sitting next to a man with dark her her started touching her leg. She looked at him and glared and he moved his hand away "Bellatrix!" the dark lord screamed "yes my lord?" "are you even paying attention or are you too busy playing with your husband?" husband? i forgot she had a husband but i didn't know that was him "no sorry i am paying attention" Bella said "good" voldemort said smirking. Voldemort kept going on about his plan and their tasks and everytime he said something "funny" Bella we be the first to cackle and would ALWAYS cackle. You notice if he looks at her she smirks kind of in a seductive way. That made your blood boil. I can't watch this anymore. You head to the kitchen to calm down. You sat down on the floor taking deep breaths , you've calmed down a little and are still sitting on the floor just looking around the kitchen. There's a bottles lined up on the counter of alcohol. You grabbed a bottle of whiskey and a bottle of vodka. You find a glass and you poot them both in the glass mixing them together and drink it. You finish it and pour some more and keep doing that. You realize your still in the kitchen so you take the bottles and your glass and head to your room but you pass back by the meeting again just to look and Bella is still staring at the dark lord like she's amazed at everything he does and you roll your eyes and leave. you know your over reacting but this isn't the first time this has happened, you knew at the end of the day she would choose him. You got in your room and sat at your desk and started luring more drinks. You don't know how many you have drunk by now but you weren't drunk, just tipsy. Your still drinking and drinking and drinking. Your drunk now and the whiskey is out but there's still vodka so your still drinking that. You got tired of just the vodka so you slowly got up wobbling and holding onto things to go back to the kitchen to see what else there was. Your heading downstairs holding onto the walls as you carefully get down and make it to the kitchen. You find the bottles and pick them up squinting at them as you couldn't really read, everything was blurry. You hear people walking and so you assumed the meeting was over "Narcissa do you care if i get a drink?" you hear a man say "No no go ahead!" you hear narcissa. The man walks in "ah sorry i'm just getting a drink look a little far gone." " and your the husband" you laugh drunkly "the husband?" he says "yes the husband, and i don't know what your talking about i'm just find!" you said rolling your eyes "yeah well you also look underaged" "well that's none of your business is it" you say trying to unscrew a bottle of pumpkin flavored rum "could you open this" you say slurred "you don't need that" he tries to take it from you but scream "No no nevermind! i'll do it myself!" "but you really don't need that" he reaches for it "I said get off me!" "ok ok i'm sorry!" you hear footsteps running towards you "what on earth is going on in here" a woman says. The husband points at you and you turn around. It was bella and narcissa standing in the kitchen with you. You roll your eyes "can someone else open this please??" "dear merlin" narcissa rolls her eyes walking to you reaching for it "if your going to take it then berger mind i'll do it myself" "give me that y/n" narcissa sighs "no!" you pick up the bottle and put it in your cup and "run" back to the stairs, you weren't doing much of running more of walking fast and stumbling. Bella runs to you and tries to take the cup and hold your hand to help you walk "get off me!" "im just trying to help you y/n!" "i don't need anyone's help im just fine!" "you not fine your bloody drunk!" narcissa yells "No im not i've literally only had two or three cups" "yeah right" bella says trying to grab you again "i said i don't need help!" "you don't talk to me like that!" bella slaps you "get off me!" you get out of her arms and "run" again up the stairs falling a little and make it to you room. You poor the rum in your cup and drink it and you mix some of the vodka you still had and drank it. You didn't know which one you like more so you just switched up everytime. You didn't really care tho you just wanted to be fucked up. And soon enough you were. You start thinking Bella didn't even say i love you back of course she wouldn't why would i think she would! She loves the dark lord and is married no wonder she left so quick of course she doesn't love me. You start to get mad again and you threw you glass on the ground as hard as you could and then you threw a bottle on the ground. Now there was glass everywhere and you were just crouching down with your head in your arms with your hands on your head and crying. Someone knocked on the door "No" you shouted then the door opened "No!" Then you looked up and Bella was closing the door.You picked up the other bottle and threw it at the door and thankfully missed her "I said go away!" "well i'm not so your just gonna have to deal with it" Bella said. you just put your head back down "what is wrong with you why are you drinking??" "why don't you go tend to voldy or your husband" you slurred "voldy?" you heard bella whisper and chuckle a little. You just rolled your eyes "go away and do no- do not talk to me anymore!" "well first off i'm not leaving you you black out drunk" "what makes you think that i'm fine i'm just upset" "no" bella laughs "your not a violent person and look around you you threw glass down on the floor, and then at me! which you awfully missed because YOUR DRUNK and you wouldn't have done that if you weren't" " why would i not do that if i wasn't drunk?" "well because you couldn't bring yourself to do it, and if you were sober you wouldn't ever want to do it, like you could anyway" the last part she mumbled "oh really" you pick up a piece of glass and stumble towards her " put that down now" you just kept walking towards her "and what are you gonna do with that?" she smirked
you didn't say anything you just kept walking towards her until you reached her you were squeezing the glass in your hand making it go into your skin and you were bleeding. "y/n put that down your bleeding!" you put your hand on her throat snd held the glass to her stomach pressing but into her. All she did was laugh "really?? you think this is funny!?" you pressed it harder into her it was hurting her but not cutting her "oh y/n stop this mess" she said still smirking "what if i did this" you said and cut yourself "stop that!" she stopped smirking and looked mad now. You cut cut her arm "do you really think your doing something to me?" she said smirking again. You pressed the glass in to the cut you just made on yourself "stop it!" "no!" you scream back and then you press it into her cut that you made. she gasped as you pressed it harder into her. You looked into her eyes and realized what you were doing you backs away and dropped the glass and started crying "i'm so sorry Bella i'm so sorry" she ran over to you "shh its ok love you barely hurt me" "but it's that i hurt you at all!" "see that's how i know your drunk baby,your crying because you hurt me, barely, now come on let's go lay down" you remembered why you were drinking in the first place and quickly got out of her arms "no! stay away from me" "oh god your still drunk" bella rolls her eyes "i am not and never was" you then stumble "yeah when are you going to give up on telling me your not when there is literally everything telling me you are" "just leave me alone" "what have i done to you??" she said offended "wouldn't you like know" you said rolling your eyes you moved her and stumbled back downstairs and grabbed another bottle of liquor and started drinking it. Bella had followed you done the stairs and walked in the kitchen and seen you drinking more "that enough!!" she walked towards you trying to take the bottle. You turned around and chugged it and now the bottle was almost empty. she grabbed the bottle and gasped " oh my god y/n" and put her hand on her face "it's nearly empty!" "shut up and leave me alone i have to go talk to my friend narcissa" bella rolled her eyes "and why would you talk to her" "because that's my best friend" "you barley know her" bella rolled her eyes again "well i do now!" you slurred. Bella realized you don't even know what your talking about anymore "come on love let's get you to bed" "no! i am not tired!" "ok then how about a bath?" "nope just leave me alone" you crossed you arms" bella laughed and rolled her eyes again and grabbed your arm "no i'm not going!" you snatched away from her. She then picked you up and carried you upstairs "put me down" you look in front of you to where you were going and forgot bella was holding you "how am i floating??" you then start to scream really high pitched "oh stop that! i've got you!" you look back at bella "oh yeah, oh my god i'm going to fall your going to drop me i'm going to die!" "shut up y/n i've got you your just fine" you get into your room then the bathroom and she sets you up against the wall on the floor and she turns on the water. the bath fills up and she starts to take off your top when you stop her and cross your arms to your shoulders "stop being like that it's not anything i havnt seen before!" you slowly fell on your side to the floor and you hear bella laugh, she sits you back up and takes off your clothes and you gave up on trying to stop her you just sat there looking around. bella's sitting on the side of the tub waiting on the bath to be filled "omg your hot!" bella just smirks and rolls her eyes and you start to reach up to touch her hair she looks at you from the side and puts your hand back down to you and she shakes her head. "omg where are my clothes why am i in my lingerie?!" "ok y/n the bath is filled let's get you in" "you ignored my question" you said confused "well i thought that would answer it but whatever" she picked you up and unclipped you bra and pulled down your bottoms and sat you in the tub. You kept sliding down and putting your face in the water so she had to hold your head up "quit touching me!" you moved her hand away "stop it your acting like a child i'm just taking care of you!" "bella?" "yes?" "omg i'm so sorry i hurt you!" you start to cry "omg stop it your so out of it" you start getting tired we'll not you but your body and you can't hold yourself up anymore. "hold on one second" you look over and bella is taking off her dress, she gets in the tub and sits behind you and holds your head back "Bella i can't hold my- "shh it's ok i've got you" she whispers and kisses your forehead " just relax you can go to sleep if you want i've got you and i'm gonna finish washing you and i'll get you up when we're done everything will alright" you felt her with a warm rag rubbing on your legs and then your arms and you stomach. she got all the blood off your hand from where the glass was and then kissed it and then kissed up your arm and your neck and you start letting out soft moans. you grab her arm and look for the cut and take the rag from her and wash the blood off and you kiss her cut "i'm so sorry" "shh it's ok just lay back down. you do as she says and she try's to take the rag but you pull it away from her and reach up above you and wash her chest and her neck and then you rub it on her thighs and down her legs and then her feet then you give it back to her and put your hands on her shoulders and lean your head back to look at her and she looks at you. you look into eachothers eyes for a little and then she kisses you softly then goes back to washing you. You slurred out "touch me all over" and you seen her smile as she started to run her finger tips all over you and you drifted off to sleep in her arms. a little while later you hear
"Wake up darling let's get you out of the bath"
you open your eyes and your still laying on bella and turn on your side and groan "can't we just stay here"
"no love the waters getting cold, you'll get sick" she sat you up off her and stood up and you drunkly looked at her and smiled and held on to the back of her legs lightly scratching them softly and smirking at her. She laughs and rolls her eyes "your still drunk" "i never was i don't know what your talking about" "come on let's get you up and dressed" she lifts you up and helps you out of the bathtub and walk you out then sets you on the bed. You sit on the bed then fall back and spread your arms out. Bella get her some clothes and sets them on the bed and then finds you some clothes and walks over to you "nooo just leave me alonne" you whined "come on crazy you need clothes you going to be cold" "no i'm nottt just let me lay here" bella walks over to you and slides on your panties and you roll your eyes "you can't be naked y/n!" "yes i cann" "no you can't" she laughs. you feel yourself drifting to sleep again until bella sits you up but you can't hold your head up and can barely open your eyes. She lifts your head up with her hand under you chin softly and leans in to kiss you but you turn your head and she kissed your cheek. "come on now why are you being like that?" she puts one hand on your shoulder and rubs it. And with what you could do you tried to pull away from her to get to your side of the bed but she grabbed your legs "y/n what's wrong?" "nothing just let me go to sleep" "no you only have underwear on you need more clothes" "no i'm not putting on more" you pull away and get to your side of the bed and just collapse on your pillow. Bella walks over to you and lifts your body up and puts the covers over you. you realized she was still naked. She walked over to the other side of the bed and picked up her clothes "do you want me to stay or do you want me to go?" "you already know the answer to that" you said and rolled her eyes. "actually i'm not sure,your being very bi polar as i see is what you do when your drunk, sometimes you want me and then sometimes you don't" "stay" you whispered. she put her bra on and then her other lingerie and then pick up her shirt "wait.." she looked up at you you confused "leave them don't need clothes either"you said smirking and then so did she "alright" she climbed in the bed and got under the covers, you just stared at her and when she got comfy in the bed she noticed "...what?" "i don't know" you said and drunkenly laughed. "oh come here" she had to drag you to her and you could barely do anything, your body was limp. You layed your head on her chest and accidentally touched her boob so you quickly snatched it away and layed it on the bed. She then picked it up and put it back on top of her bra and kept her hand on top of yours. you felt her hot breath in your hair. With your other hand you played with her black messy curls. God i love this, but she can't know that because i'm  still mad at her and i absolutely hate her for that. "You don't hate me" she said suddenly. "What?" can she read my mind? "Yes i can and i have been, but still don't know why you were mad at me because earlier when you were drunk and barely knew what was going on, you weren't thinking and your still drunk but now you know what's going on better and you thinking more" "so you wanna tell me what was going on?" you pull away from her and turn your back to her "nothing" you start to tear up and then get mad again because you remembered why you were mad before. "Hey!" Bella grabs you and pulls you back to her " you don't turn away from me!" and she puts her arms around you holding onto you "now what's wrong baby?" you started to cry "hey hey it's ok it's ok" bella said stroking your hair " i.. hate you so much" you barely got that because you were crying so hard "shh no you don't" "but i want to" you sob " it's ok love it's ok" she put both arms around you and held you close and kissed you head then started to play with your hair and you held onto her other arm. "You don't have to tell me now, we'll fight in the morning" she whispered. You didn't say anything , you just wrapped your legs around hers and felt your self drifting to sleep "ooh your going to be PISSED in the morning" Bella laughed and you almost didn't hear that as you were falling asleep and you chuckled a little but then fell asleep with bella playing with your hair.

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