Welcome to the Black Parade - My Chemical Romance

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When I was but a lad in days gone past,

My father bore me to a duke's domain;

Where minstrels and the bards had there amassed,

He wove a tale of wretch'd, befouled pain.

"Whilst time's relentless hand may pass thee by,

Wilt thou defeat the heathens and the damn'd?

My egress from this mortal plane is nigh,

Alas, naught but a phantom by death's hand!"

O heartless world of woe—I stagger down;

To perish soon of mis'ry and detest—

But ne'er shall fate and malice pray I drown,

For naught shall take the heart within my breast.

            Though death's dark realm I soon may walk upon,

            By will and providence, we carry on.

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