Chapter 7: A Wolf In Sheep's Clothing

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   "Did I mention that I hate you?"

Cinderella practically cackled from the other side of the room where she was stretched out across the most luxurious chaise longue. Covered in the many layers of flowing fabric that she'd come to favour since moving in to the palace, she would have looked perfectly in place among in the many beautiful paintings of ancient queens that decorated the grand hall. Popping a grape into her mouth, she grinned, "Multiple times a day, Y/N."

"As long as you know," you said, wincing as the royal tailor pulled the ribbons on the back of your new corset tighter. Wanting nothing more than to bend over and catch your breath, unable to as the sharp bones dug into your chest and forced you stand upright instead, you peered over your shoulder to Cinderella and scowled. She simply smirked back in return.

Somehow in the past few days you'd fallen into a very strange rapport with the princess to be. Neither of you trusted the other - you knew for a fact that Cinderella also carried a small knife beneath her skirts, just in case you or anyone else actually decided to try and stab her in the back - and you hated being in one another's company. However, at the same time, you couldn't help but enjoy the sharp retorts and not so subtle slights against the other. Surrounded by so much posturing and political manoeuvring within the court, it was almost nice to be so upfront for once. Almost.

"Why are these even necessary?" you grunted, feeling the tailor tie a loose knot in the ribbon. "You certainly don't need to wear one."

"They're quite fashionable where I am from."

"And where's that, my lady? Vanaheim, yes? Only last year I was temporarily assigned to another lady of that realm and I cannot recall her wearing such a thing."

Cinderella's fingers twitched at her side, running over the handle of her concealed blade as she weighed up the risks of just killing you now. After a few tense seconds, her hand relaxed as she deemed you not worth the effort. At least not yet. Plastering a fake smile on her face, she practically hissed, "Well, that was a whole year ago. Fashions change. "

"Indeed they do," the tailor piped up, either unaware of or deciding to completely ignore the tension between you. "And no one is more grateful than I, for it keeps me in a job! Now, my lady, what do you think of the fit?"

"Do you think you could take it an inch further?" Cinderella asked, narrowing her eyes at you until they were barely more than slits. You'd known that she would try her hardest to make you pay for any comment about her "home" in Vanaheim but were still eager to risk it for the off chance that she actually revealed some useful information about her true origins. Crushing another grape between her teeth, Cinderella tilted her head to the side and in a sickly sweet voice said, "Surely you wouldn't leave me to suffer in a tight bind alone, Y/N?"

"I wouldn't recommend it," the tailor replied, before you could send back another biting reply. It was probably for the best. While he seemed to understand that your open hatred for each other was more of a game than anything else, if you actually threatened to harm her or let her suffer in any way then he was obligated to inform the crown. And you really didn't want to be charged with treason today.

His hands began wandering to help you rearrange yourself in the front of the corset, although he immediately stepped away upon catching the murderous intentions in your eyes. You patted him on the arm heartily to let him know that he'd made the right decision, comforted in the knowledge that it'd leave a bruise. Maybe it would help remind him to keep his hands to himself next time.

Grabbing a tape measure to finalise the sizes for your new dresses, the man continued, "If she were to be enjoying the life of luxury that you and the other nobles enjoy then perhaps it would be possible but to go about with her regular duties as a maid... I would strongly advise against it, my lady."

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