Chapter 18: And They Lived Happily Ever After

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Warnings: grief, marriage

  "Sigrid, get back here this minute!" you yelled, using your best parent voice as you chased your niece around your chambers. She was running around in half a dress - a cream silk undershirt and a petticoat which was now nowhere near as perfectly crisp as it had been moments before - squealing in joy as you stumbled after her.

"You have to catch me first but you're too slow! You'll never get me!"

You narrowed your eyes at the challenge, diving over the bed and stretching out to catch her as she ran past. She almost slipped from your grasp but you pulled her backwards and trapped her in your arms, tickling her into submission. Sigrid thrashed her limbs around, laughing so hard that she could barely breathe, until you finally relented your assault.

A loud knock sounded at your door and, with a sudden burst of energy, Sigrid jumped from your lap and ran over to the door to find out who it was. She reached up to grab the handle, barely tall enough to manage, and pulled with all her might. Even with her full strength, she only managed to pull it open a slither - although it did give her just enough of a view to see the face of your visitor.

"You can't come in," she sung, squeezing her face through the small gap between the door and frame. You could only imagine how ridiculous Sigrid looked from the front, but she certainly looked crazy from behind. Still singing, she said, "It's bad luck."

"Is that Loki?" you asked. Even just saying his name brought a smile to your face and, although being a love struck fool was embarrassing, you didn't care. Having his love was worth more than any of the finest fabrics or extravagant meals that the palace had to offer.

Sigrid looked over her shoulder, cheeks rosy pink and her intricate braids starting to come loose, and shook her head. She made a face, all squished up, and said, "Nope. It's Kol and Ander."

"Let them in then, Siggy," you said, grabbing a thin dressing gown to cover yourself. "It's only bad luck to see the bride before a wedding if it's the groom. Since I'm not marrying either Kol or Ander, I think it's alright for them to come inside, don't you agree?"

"You'd be lucky to marry us," Ander said, rolling his eyes at Sigrid's chaotic state as he stepped in to your room. You'd never realised beforehand but ever since you'd taken charge of caring for the children you'd noticed just how protective he was over his little sister. He almost never left her side and was always there to watch over her. Sometimes that meant protecting her from the harsh words of noble children that thought themselves above the daughter of a seamstress. Other times it simply meant making sure she looked her best or making her smile.

Bending down, Ander pulled her hair free of the pins. He then picked her up and carried her over to the chaise lounge to redo it for her. Slowly and gently running his fingers through the tangled mess, he expertly weaved a few strands back together until Sigrid was once again presentable.

Kol tried to perch on the edge but Sigrid kicked him in the side, too comfortable with her legs stretched out in front of her to give up the space. Instead of shoving her aside and taking the place anyway - a course of action he had obviously considered - Kol wandered over and sat beside you, snuggling up against you. You placed a kiss on the top of his head and held him tightly.

"You both look so handsome," you told the boys, honestly amazed that anyone had managed to convince them to wear such rich and formal clothing. Decked out in frankly adorable green velvet jackets, complete with ridiculously large shoulder pads and lapels edged with gold. Both proudly wore small ceremonial daggers which had been gifted to them by no other than Frigga herself.

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