Chapter 11: If You Go Down To The Woods Today...

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 Warnings: brief unwanted sexual attention, threat

"I don't care what Odin said," you growled, pushing past the prince. "I'm going."

You stormed over to your wardrobe and pulled a few of your old dresses from the hangers, throwing them on to your bed. The wardrobe hadn't originally been yours, it was supposed to be shared with the other three women that you roomed with at the palace, however since you were the only one with more than two outfits the others had of late just let you take sole custody. It made you feel bad, after all you were all servants and should be sticking together, but you had larger problems on your mind than the jealousy of others.

As you shovelled the dresses into a bag you looked up at Loki, resting awkwardly against the door as he tried to work out how best to proceed. After the news of the attack on Aumrauth had reached the council, Odin had announced in no uncertain terms that he would not risk the lives of the palace guard on the possibility that a few villagers may still be alive. Loki knew that you weren't going to accept that, hence why he'd followed you back to your room to make sure you wouldn't do something stupid - like you were about to do now.

"You can't just ride out to Aumrauth on your own, Y/N."

"Short of keeping me locked up in the dungeons there is nothing you can do to stop me, Loki."

Bending down to grab your knife from under your bed, you let out a groan of anguish as the bones of your corset dug into your ribs. Using the blade you cut open the front of your bodice and threw it across the room, not even caring when it knocked over one of the flower vases on your roommate's bedside drawer. You dropped the dagger onto your bag and began fumbling with the laces on the back of your corset but your fingers were shaking too much to manage anything.

"Take a breath. You need to calm down before you hurt yourself," Loki whispered in to your ear, suddenly standing right behind you. His proximity made you stiffen but you relaxed when you felt his hands resting gently over yours. It was too familiar a touch to pull away from and, even with your feelings towards him as confused as they currently were, you couldn't help the way your body reacted to Loki. You drew strength from him, using it to keep yourself level in a situation where anything else might - would - get you killed.

His chin barely resting on your shoulder, nose turned towards your neck to just breathe in your familiar scent, but so careful not to touch you in case you pushed him away again, Loki said, "Let me help you."

After a moment of hesitation you nodded and let your arms fall to your side. Loki's deft fingers made quick work of the mess of laces. Even though you couldn't see his face, you just knew that he smiled at the noise you made when you could breathe properly once more. There really was nothing like the relief of stepping out of that godforsaken thing.

You were grateful to see that Loki had turned his back to allow you to change in private and hastily threw an old tattered dress over your undergarments. You caught sight of yourself in your beige rags in the mirror and for a moment were transported back to when you'd been working in the kitchens. How much simpler life had been then.

Interrupting the silence that had fallen over the room as you packed up your remaining supplies - everything short of food, but you were planning to go via the kitchen on your way to the stables - Loki said out of the blue, "I'm coming with you."

"No, you aren't."

"Yes, I am," he said adamantly. "What do you think will happen when you reach Aumrauth? Brynjar and his men will kill you on sight. Whilst you are clearly far more talented in the art of sneaking around than I gave you credit for, when they realise that you have come from the palace then they will not hesitate."

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