Chapter 4: When The Clock Strikes Twelve

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 "Inga, get back here right now!" you hissed, following your sister as she pushed her way through the crowds to get to Loki. Apologising to everyone that she shoved out of her path - literally every person that she passed - you grabbed her hand to stop her going any further. "Inga, you can't just interrupt a dance with the prince!"

"Oh, we're back to prince now are we? When did he stop being Loki?" Her voice was quiet enough for no one else to hear, knowing how much trouble you could get into for breaking protocol like that, but the sisterly snark came through loud and clear. The way her face softened as she diverted you both to the edge of the room had you practically spluttering with embarrassment. "This is about more than just the dress, isn't it?"

She pulled you into a corner of the ballroom covered by shadows and, even though you were well removed from the rest of the party, Inga still checked that no one was near enough to over hear you. Jutting out a hip, she raised her eyebrow the way she did when her own children were being naughty and said, "Tell me everything."

That was exactly what you did. Feeling simultaneously better and worse for putting all your feelings into words, you sighed, "I don't know what to do. How could I have let this happen?"

"How did you let yourself fall in love with a handsome and witty prince that listens to and respects your every word? You're right; he's terrible and doesn't deserve a single drop of your affection."

"I hate you."

"I'm your sister; if you don't hate me then I'm doing something very wrong." Inga pulled you into an embrace, the simple action enough to quell your anger enough that you no longer felt like punching every blonde haired woman you saw. Smoothing your hair down in the way that only older sisters are allowed to do, she asked, "So, what are we going to do now? Are you going to tell him?"

"I can't do that!" A few of the nearby nobles glanced in your direction following your sharp outburst so you lowered your voice to continue, "Inga, if I tell him the truth then I will ruin our friendship. I value his company too much to let it go."

Inga frowned, tapping her fingers on her jutted out hip as she tried to think of a solution. She had always been this way; she'd approach every problem from a logical point of view, even matters of the heart, and try to reason out the best path. "Well, if you're going to give up on your dreams of romance just because a thief got in the way then we must simply eliminate her."

You burst out laughing, hiding your head in your hands as you fought to maintain some semblance of dignity in the company of the lords and ladies of Asgard. "We are not stooping so low as to murder her, Inga!"

"Why not?" she whined, pulling a small dagger from somewhere in the many layers of her beautiful red skirt. You widened your eyes at the sight, wondering a) where your sister had gotten such a stunning blade and b) why on Asgard she had it with her tonight. "Do not look so surprised, Y/N! I am the mother of three beautiful children. I would not risk being caught out alone with no way to defend myself."

You felt your gaze soften at your sister's words, understanding her fears completely. She would never risk the long journey from her village to the palace alone without some way to protect herself - especially with the path well known to home many dangerous beasts. Touching her arm gently, you smiled, "You are a wonderful mother to them, Inga."

"Of course I am," she said, almost offended that you could believe anything else. "Anyway, I could never let them grow up with you as their only female role model."

"I hope you're nicer to your children than you are to me," you bit back, although completely without malice.

Inga pulled you into a hug and squeezed you so tightly that you could barely breathe. "Love you really," she said with a grin. Her face suddenly become fierce once again, she asked, "Now, what are we going to do about the dress thief and the prince?"

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