47: Do You Love, Aeiou?

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It was 12:00 AM.

The sound of loud snores echoed on the four corners of the room. Peacefully sleeping on one of the guest rooms, Jaspher's mouth was widely open while his eyes was shut. 

A ringing sound came in.

Jaspher wriggled his hand free to the air and slapped the desk beside him. Touching his sleek phone, he swiped it open and placed it on his ear. 

"Yes, young master?" He didn't even need to ask, he already knew who it was. Truth to be told, in his office only his secretary was allowed to call him during working hours. He was very strict with his schedule. Hence the only person who'd dare call him in this time of the night would be no other than...

"Get your flat ass down here, I made cheesecakes again."

Zed's voice was still as sharp and cold as the night, but when Jaspher's brain processed the word cheesecake, his eyes opened and beamed like never before.

"Okay I'm coming!"

Jaspher swayed the bedsheet off his body and jumped of his bed. Quickly, he ran out of the room. It wasn't assuming to say that Jaspher was really excited.

Truly, the cheesecake Zed made had lingered on Jaspher's mind that it started to haunt him the whole day. Jaspher tried to check onto different bakeries yesterday nearby his office but none of those stores erased Jaspher's craving for the unique taste of Zed's cooking. Zed simply took the bar higher for Jaspher's taste buds now. It was safe to say one of the reason why Jaspher likes coming home was because of Zed's dishes.

When Jaspher finally reached the kitchen, his jaw dropped and his eyes widened in astonishment when he saw the cheesecakes. "1,2... 9,10?! You made ten?!"

The yellow light from the chandelier beamed upon the lustring colors of the icings and frostings above ten different cheesecakes on the Romanian-styled table. Beside them was Zed putting icing on one of the cheesecake using a funnel. "Obviously."

Jaspher was dumbfounded. He cannot believe what he was seeing. He asked himself abruptly whether this was just a dream. To prove it, he slapped his face. But he didn't wake up from his bed. This wasn't a dream.

 Heather, who probably just came out of her room, scratching her eyes was also stunned. "W-what... What is ha... happening?"

Truly, if Jaspher was surprised to see Zed make ten cheesecakes, and so was Heather. Jaspher and Heather looked at each other in astonishment.

Jaspher asked, "Zed woke you up to?"

Heather nodded. "He threatened me... hehehe. Well, I mean I'm still awake."

"Same... huh? Why are you still awake?"

Heather flushed. She was watching the new Boys Love series she found online. "Umm... can't sleep. Hehe... insomnia probably."

They both sighed.

The two of them slowly gazed back on the table filled with cheesecakes. It was only the plain sight of those desserts yet the two were gulping their saliva down their throats already.

However, what mad it more appealing to the eyes was the variety of flavors of each cheesecake. Macha, mocha, rocky-road, vanilla, mango graham and the list just goes on and on.

"Don't touch anything until I told you so," Zed spoke. He picked up a cake slicer and turned to Heather and Jaspher, "What flavor you guys want?"

Jaspher was too stunned to speak. "Are you going to start a baking business?"

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