64: The Sweetest Juice

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While driving, Zed put his hand on Aeiou's legs and stroked it. "Can I sleep on your room tonight?"

"Fuck you." Aeiou didn't even think twice to answer.

Zed snickered. Aeiou's lewd side would disappear once they were alone in the car and Aeiou couldn't jump out.

When they reached the apartment building, Aeiou rushed out of the vehicle quickly and went straight to his room without looking back.

Smiling in the car, Zed shook his head. He won't be able to catch up with Aeiou's speed anyways so he didn't bother chasing after the guy.

Zed grabbed his phone and was about to go out of the car when he realized something. He looked at his phone and squinted his eyes.

Aeiou doesn't have a phone, does he? Or he just never bring it to school? That's weird. I have never seen a phone in his room either.

Following this train of thought, Zed realized: Is Philip and Aeiou sharing a phone?

With this realization, Zed felt bad. It was like a knife stabbed on his heart. Quickly, he dialed Jaspher's number.


"Jaspher, I want you to trace a bank account number of someone I owe some debt. 300,000 pesos."

"Okay. What's his name?"

"Aeiou Revelderio."

"Okay. On it. Anything else?"

"Hmm... can you send two new flagship phones in this location where I'm at. "

"Oh? Is this still part of the debt?"

"No. It's for... Um..." Zed couldn't find the right words. "It's for my new found family."

There was silence.

Then Jaspher spoke, "Okay. On it."

"Bye." Zed was about to hung up when he realized something. "Wait."


"Thank you, Jaspher."

A gasp sounded from the other line. "Oh. Um... You're welcome, my cousin. I'm happy this new found family is teaching you some manners."

Zed's eyes turned cold. "Is that an insult?"

"No. Not at all! Bye!"


Putting his sando on, Aeiou went straight to the cafeteria to help after changing, only to see Zed and Philip playing tug of war, pulling an apron on both its ends.

"You don't have to do this, son."

"Let me help, Tay."

"But you're a guest." Philip insisted.

"No... Please let me help."

Although Philip was pulling with all his might, Zed's big arms weren't even budging for a bit. Aeiou didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Aeiou shouted, "Let him help, Tay! Or he'd be a freeloader."

Hearing this, Philip glared at Aeiou. "Ssshhh! Don't mind him, Zed. You two can watch TV inside or sleep in Aeiou's room if you feel tired okay?"

Aeiou's jaw dropped from hearing this. Philip was treating Zed like his own child now.

"It'd be insensitive of me if I do that. I'd rather help, Tay." Zed insisted.

Aeiou thrust his hands upward. "For God sake, just let him help, Tay."

Philip looked over to Aeiou and said in a pleading voice, "Son, please tell Zed to sit and wait."

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