Chapter 1

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The lioness gasped. Her flanks trembled, the tip of her tail twitched. Not a word left her mouth. She gasped again. Then she fell on her side, exhausted.

The bottom of the cave was hard and cold. The lioness shivered, she felt the cold carry over to her tired body. She knew she wouldn't survive. Powerless, she closed her eyes. A tremor ran through her body. She gathered all of her last strength and waited for what would happen. The last thing she felt was a small, fluffy body pressing itself against her for protection and making pitiful noises. Then she passed out.


Icy cold and darkness enveloped her, fear came over the lioness like a shadow. She had to take care of her cub, feed it, otherwise it wouldn't survive either!

Slowly she felt her strength return. Finally!, she thought, relieved. She had expected the worst. The lioness blinked cautiously and saw three bright pairs of eyes.

She extended her claws, ready to fight.

But she felt relief when she looked into the eyes of two sand-colored lionesses. A small cub appeared in front of her, staring at the little ball of fur with wide eyes.

"Hello Tama!" The older lioness greeted her gently.

"Hello Sarabi!" Tama smiled. She was infinitely happy that her friends had found their way to her. "Sarafina, nice that you brought Nala with you," she turned to the younger one and took a look at the still amazed lion girl.

Then, however, the tiny cub drew everyone's attention by mewing heartbreakingly.

"Your cub is beautiful!" smiled Sarabi. "Who is the proud father?"

Tama lowered her head sadly. She could never reveal who the innocent cub's father was ...

"Is it a girl?" Nala jumped up and down excitedly.

"Yes." Tama smiled. "Her name is Vitani."

Now the two lionesses stepped forward. "She looks just like you!" said Sarafina.

Now Vitani tried to open her little eyes. They were sky blue and very beautiful. Tama felt as if she had never seen anything prettier.

Nala carefully approached the tiny lion baby and touched it gently with her paw. With a chuckle, Vitani rolled over onto her back and opened her tiny mouth.

But Tama felt that the cub was still very weak. It had to drink. She nudged her daughter with her nose in the direction of the milk source. Instinctively, the little one began to suck and smacked her lips with relish.

"Yes, drink, my little Vitani, so that you will be big and strong", Tama whispered and licked her fur tenderly. She had never felt happier in her life. She was a mother! The fate of this little lioness was in her paws and that felt great. Great - but also scary.

A roar broke the silence of the savannah.

The lionesses flinched. Vitani pressed against her mother fearfully. A creepy silence filled the cave and no one dared to move.

The mighty roar was audible again. A shadow darkened the moon, which sent its faint light into the cave.

And then there was a lioness in the cave, teeth bared, claws extended.

"Give me your cub, Tama!"

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