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Underneath the lax, fluffy fabric sheets, Izana awakes of the day to come ahead of him. He flutters his eyes open and reach for his phone laying atop his night table beside his bed, bringing it to his face as he double taps the screen.

It was 8:47 AM. He heaves a short exhale then and got up from his bed. As he takes a few walks outside of his spacious, silent sanctuary, the golden glow from the sun outside cascaded over his features. And from the window wallings of his bedroom, he can see the vista of tall rows buildings looming over the denizens of Yokohama.


Starting his day with a scorching hot espresso on hand, he took one last sip of it and began to walk apace to his bathroom. With one swift push, the door sways open, revealimg the tan, beige complex tiles and walls adorning the vicinity.

And then, he continued his usual morning routine, every time he'd go and do his work.


Escorted by bodyguards who surrounded him as they slowly walk towards the building, hundreds of flashing lights beam at their faces, almost blinding them, especially Izana. But this was nothing new for the model, in fact, living this elegant, rich life was the normalcy for him.

His golden rimmed aviators reflected off the bright white lights that came from his direction and kept his usual stoic face as he tries to make it past through the rowdy crowds who claimed to be huge fans of him.

There were others who were screaming their heart out in hopes of getting noticed, while there were some who only wished to be near Izana and take a picture of him.

As blinding as the camera's lights directed at them, then their voices were as deafening to hear. Muffled cheers and screams from few meters away from you is quite a wild experience, but he wasn't  bothered. He was used to it.

Finally setting foot in the building, he was greeted by the receptionist with a toothy grin, "Good morning sir!"

The blond haired then proceeds to remove his aviator sunglasses and fold them, "Good morning." He greets back, voice as sweet as a meticulous honey. Izana then places his accessory at a small pouch and closes it shut, waiting on for the receptionist to give them the room number of the studio where in the photoshoot will be held at.

"Room 42 sir, best of luck." The lady then spoke, in which Izana uttered a nonchalant thank you. It was as if being stoic faced at all times was embedded to his soul, it wouldn't be Izana if he expressed his emotions too soon to people he barely know of.

STEAMY SESSIONS ( izana kurokawa )Where stories live. Discover now