Remembering Hannibal (Annabelle)

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My hands were wrapped around Hannibal's neck. I started crying from relief. He was all I had, my everything. If it wasn't for him I never would have made it out here. He kept me going. Taking care of him has become the most important thing to me. I pulled away from him gently, I could see blood on my left hand. The bullet had hit him. I poured my bottle of water over it, cleaning the blood so I could get a good look at it. The bullet didn't hit anything major, no organs or big blood vessels. We were not out of the woods though. The bullet still needed to be removed and the wound bandaged.

In my joy and focus I had forgotten that there were other people there.

"*eh em* thank you for getting us out." a woman spoke this time,

"Umm look we were headed south, if you want to join us? We could use someone like you." I shook my head. No. South was back the way I had come. No going back for me.

"Oh um, then I guess this is where we say goodbye. Thank you." I heard them moving off into the forest. Good. I didn't need anyone else tied up in my problems.

I bandaged up Hannibal as well as I could, the bullet would have to wait until we got further away from here. Some place without the scent of fresh meat. Walking would only aggravate Hannibal's wound. Looks like you'll be riding piggyback again. Or... I looked back at the station. Maybe they would have something to carry him. I held up my hand, wait here. Before going back in. I was in the third room when I found it. A wagon, it was one of those big industrial ones. Perfect for my boy.

Back outside I heaved my boy into the wagon. We would be slow and have to travel on the paths but this way I wouldn't pass out from exhaustion. With my boy securely nestled in the back I pulled the wagon behind me. It was six thirty two. Roughly an hour and a half to find shelter before dark. The bumps from moving fast would be unpleasant for Hannibal but it couldn't be helped. We didn't want to get caught out here at night. Hannibal was still bleeding too, that would leave a trail of scent for any walker to follow.

I pulled with everything I had, over rocks and stumps. Even through a small ditch, I had filled our water before plowing through it. I switched arms often not wanting one of them to cramp up. The sun was fast approaching the ground when I spotted a cabin. I dropped the handle on the wagon. I snuck up to the window and looked in. Empty, it was small so the window allowed me to see everything. Lady luck had graced me once again. Although she would not stick around long. She never did. It was an effort to get Hannibal inside but I managed it without dropping him.

I laid him on the bed in the corner, I wouldn't be using it tonight. I cut off the makeshift bandage and went to work while I still had a little daylight left. Hannibal made panting noises and small whines as I worked. I wish I could say something, anything to calm him. To reassure him that I was going to take care of him. As he laid there I could help but think about the first time I had seen him.


I couldn't stop shaking, it was cold, so cold. The wrapping around my neck was drenched in blood. The cold air cooled it as soon as it left my body. I wrapped my arms tighter around my knees. It would be ok, I didn't want to die in that place. Now I wouldn't. Death by hypothermia would be a walk in the park but it would be better. Anything would be better than dying in that place, even hell. It's okay, I told myself. You can let go now. That would be the ultimate punishment for Him. His favorite test subject died before he could finish his work.

I wasn't going to lose to Him, even if that meant killing myself. He would never get his hands on me or it again. I smiled. Everything was going to be okay now.

I drifted off, the cold and blood loss pulling me under. I woke to the sound of crunching. A walker was nearby, enjoying the meat and bones of a fresh kill. That's ok, even if it gets a hold of me it will be okay. I was closing my eyes when I heard it, a little whimper followed by a groan.

I crawled to the sound, my limbs an awkward collection of weight that seemed impossible to carry. I rounded the boulder I had been leaning up against. A walker crouched on the ground, hands coated in blood and remnants of flesh. It's kill was a wolf, laying splayed open on the ground. The walker wasn't watching it, but a small black wolf cub. It was going to kill it. I found strength I didn't know I had. I reached for a pebble and threw it, drawing the walkers attention. Its head snapped in my direction and it snarled. My hand groped blindly for another rock as the thing moved towards me. My hand found one just as it got to me. It lunged, I used one hand to grab it's neck and the other brought the rock down on its skull. Hard. It took three more hits before it stopped moving.

The little cub stared at me with amber eyes, it would die out here on its own. That's when I decided that I had to live. I had to take care of this little guy. He needed me, and whether I knew it or not I needed him too.


I smiled at the memory. Taking care of my wolf cub had given me purpose, a reason to live. The little cabin had a windmill outside. Hopefully that meant running water. It had been a while since I had last bathed. And I needed to get this blood off of me.

The bathroom was little more than a closet. Sink, toilet, tub. Nothing fancy, just the basics. I set my camping light down on the counter and started to undress. I had just finished taking off everything when I caught my reflection in the mirror. My eyes were drawn to my neck. I could still see pieces of the symbol under the burn. His symbol.

(Unedited) Stage One: Hope in DarknessWhere stories live. Discover now