A Good Night's Attack (Lara)

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We were let in and told the rules of staying here. All very obvious rules and the threat at the end was just a cherry on top. We all split up to get as many things done as possible. Ryan went with the woman to talk about the murders and ask about the rippers and see if they heard about a possible leader they might have.

Rose went to find someone who might trade a vehicle for us, Sam went to go find a place for the night and rest. It was already getting late so we were going to need sleep. And I had the job of going and restocking our arrows and food.

"What can I get you?" The woman behind the small counter asked seeing me walking in

"I just came to restock some of my things" I said and looked around at her inventory. She watched me but didn't question me anymore then that. I saw a drawn image of a man that was hung up on the wall next to her desk. "That's really good. Your husband?" I asked her. She looked to the picture and smiled lightly

"Yes. I traded a girl some arrows for her skills" the woman explained to me

"A girl?" I asked

"Yeah a mute. Had a wolf with her" this caught my attention

"She was alive?" I asked not thinking how dumb the question really was until I saw her face "I mean...she passed through here...you're sure?"

"As sure as I am seeing you here lady"

"Do you know where she was heading?" I asked but she crossed her arms not wanting to get her into some trouble. Bell obviously made an impression "she's my best friend...I've been trying to find her..please" I pleaded. She looked at me trying to see if I was lying or not.

"I don't know. As you know she's not much of a talker. I wish I could help but I don't know. She just left after stocking up. Didn't want to linger" she told me. I smiled and felt a little peace in my mind

"Thank you so much " I said and headed out and found Ryan while he was walking and talking with the woman.

"Thank you again" he said and he saw me then they split up and he walked over "You find anything?"

"Not Susie's but the woman with all the arrows she saw and talked to Bell. She was here, alive" I told him, smiling.

"That's great. I talked to the one in charge but she told me she doesn't know of the rippers having a leader. She's as blind as we are" he said, sharing his bad news.

"Damn" I mumbled then Sam and Rose met up with us "Hey

"They have a car they might be willing to trade" Rose told us but didn't sound hopeful "we just need a couple rifles" she said. Ryan rubbed his head irritated. We didn't have anything to trade and the things we could trade were more useful to us. We were running on fumes.

"Please tell me you have some good news Sam" Ryan spoke up making us all turn to see him walking up

"Um...they have two rooms and we don't need anything to trade for them?" He said. That was music to my ears. We all just called it a day and headed to our rooms where we would have to share. Sam and Rose went together to one of them and Ryan and I were left with the other one. They didn't even leave us a choice. We all cleaned up and got settled into our rooms to sleep. I hadn't realized how tired I was until I laid my head on the pillow and drifted into sleep.


"Lara, wake up!" Ryan snapped. I tried to ignore it but I heard fighting. I opened my eyes to see the door to our room had been busted down and Ryan was fighting two intruders. One grabbed him and the second was punching him mercilessly. I felt the adrenaline kick in and wake me up instantly but too late since there was a third who had grabbed me by the hair and yanked me out of bed.

(Unedited) Stage One: Hope in DarknessWhere stories live. Discover now