The Game is a Paw (Lara)

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"Are you still not talking to me Lara?" Ryan asked from behind me.

I walked with my arms crossed over my chest and remained silent all the way to the old camp and to the sniper point. I didn't have the time to look for a camp in the woods. It would be like looking for a needle in a haystack. And Ryan had wormed his way onto my mission.

I was judging myself from how the argument went. Long story short we just glared at each other but in my rush to leave I just turned on a heel and walked. Ryan, Sam, and Rose followed willingly.

"You kinda irritated her" Rose said to Ryan

"I'm just looking out for a friend" he justified his reasons

"By using your authority" Sam piped in

"Are you two together again?" Ryan questioned changing the subject on them

"No" Rose said almost instantly

"Well you two are acting like you are" Ryan replied then I heard his footsteps speed up and then keep pace beside me. "You really are not going to talk to me?" He said to me now.

"I hate you" I finally said.

"No you don't," he chuckled. He's right, I don't hate him. He was a good friend and was trustworthy. We made a good team and when the Chief sent one of us out more than likely the other was there as well. And that went for the missions that required flawless work. "Lara, you can't keep us in the dark. We're in this together and we can't go in blind. You know that" he said, sounding like a leader. I unlocked my arms and let them fall to my sides as I thought about it.

"Fine" I agreed as I just pushed my anger to the back of my mind. Rose and Sam joined me on my other side and I explained all that I knew. That the Rippers were after a mute girl. I thought nothing of it until I found the picture which I showed them. I told them about Bell and why I felt obligated to do this and told them my plans of how to track them. Sam was a fantastic hunter and could track anything. Rose was a half doctor. She could help cure little things and patch up severe wounds. Ryan was the leader and planner.

I wasn't much but I always had a hell of a fight in me. I followed my gut and that made me a wild card but so far it hasn't let me down.

"So what do you think we'll find at the lookout?" Sam asked curiously. I shook my head and put the photo away

"I don't know. Maybe some tracks." I said but saw Sam look at me like I had just turned zombie but I held up my hand stopping him "I'm not relying on that seeing as it's been a long time since the attack but hey you never know" I shrugged.

"What if the rippers are back there?" Rose asked and I sighed

"We kill them." I said without a doubt. I felt them exchange looks and look at me. I didn't care how many of those psychos I'd have to kill to get to her. I was going to find her if it kills me.

"She really means a lot huh?" Ryan asked me serious. I looked him right in the eye.

"Like I said, she's family. All I have left" I said. He made a dramatic face

"That hurts," he joked. I couldn't help laughing and pushed him away. We walked the rest of the way up the hill with higher spirits and a clean slate from our earlier fight. Once there I looked over the edge and saw the school where we were attacked. It was so far away. I couldn't make a shot like this ever. Turning to the ground I didn't see much of anything other than a shell casing in the dirt.

"This is amazing" Sam whispered and I turned to look at him

"Did you find anything?" I asked and he chuckled

(Unedited) Stage One: Hope in DarknessWhere stories live. Discover now