You Friendly Neighborhood Psycho (Lara)

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I ran ahead to the nearest hiding spot and everyone else followed and we all kept our heads as low as we could. The echo of an engine grew louder and louder until we saw headlights of a car with a body strapped to the hood. Ripper patrols. They passed us with ease so we headed the other direction from where we saw the car.

Ryan was leading the way and I followed. Sam was in the very back and Rose between us all. We all (except Rose) agreed that she was the most important because of her knowledge of medicine. The sun was setting and it made it super hard to see anything. It got to a point Ryan told us to pull out the flashlights and we did. I pulled mine out and flicked it on to see something reflect the light and saw a wire inside the doorway.

"Whoa" I whispered, getting they're attention and saw a wire was stringed across the doorway and spaced down the hall. I moved and looked into the room to see a crossbow aiming right at me. No person holding it but the wire was attached to it. One tap and it's a clean shot to the heart. "Traps" I whispered and they nodded

"Maybe you should lead Sam" Ryan said

"No way I'll lead," I argued. He rolled his eyes at me and rubbed his head

"He has a sharper eye than Lara," he explained. I frowned and shrugged. He was right and if I made one false move it could get us killed without actually needing to. I looked to Sam and he shrugged not minding the task

"Okay" I agreed. I moved and got to the back. Sam took the lead and we made our way through the building and the higher we got the more traps we found. "We have to get off this ride" I said. We all found a room that didn't have a trap in it and moved in

"We should camp," Ryan suggested to me. It was pitch black outside but I didn't want to stop. We still had too much work to do and so much ground to cover. I wanted so desperately to argue and push forward but they all were tired from the tension of avoiding death with every step. If I really thought about it I was tired as well.

"We all know you want to keep going, Lara. But we aren't operating at full power right now" Rose explained and I nodded. I took my bag off showing I agreed. They all did the same and found a space to rest for the night. I found a corner of my own and set up my bag as a pillow and kept my knife in hand. I couldn't sleep very well. Sam, Rose, and Ryan were out like lights and I just laid in my spot with my eyes closed.

It was so quiet and whenever I thought I heard something I would open my eyes and look around just Rose turning over. I had to tell myself that I wasn't alone and they were there to watch my back. I closed my eyes again and this time I felt sleep pulling me into a relaxed peace.

"Lara?" I heard a whisper. It wasn't from my group. This realization hit me like a truck if they worked anymore and I shot up and pulled my knife free ready to fight. I saw a figure in the doorway. My eyes adjusted to the night and saw a face then the hand raised up and put the finger to their mouth telling me to keep quiet. I realized that the figure was big and tall. A man. They would have killed upls if he didn't know me. I carefully stood up and he stepped out of the doorway and disappeared.

I moved and tiptoed into the hall and saw him waiting for me. He was casually leaning against the wall and playing with a knife on his own. Then with a strike there was a small light and fire lit up a stick where I could see his face.

"No f-ing way" I gasped. "Shadow?" I whispered and he smiled at me.


A year ago while I was hunting alone I got into a bad situation. I had got a deer, a big buck for camp when I tripped and fell down a steep hill and knocked myself out. When I came to It was dark and the deer was being eaten by seven walkers. They hadn't seen me yet. I looked around and searched for my bow but it was gone. It was gone and all my tools were gone. Someone robbed me. During my frantic search for my tools the walkers turned on me and saw I was really fresh and started to make they're way towards me.

(Unedited) Stage One: Hope in DarknessWhere stories live. Discover now