Getaway Lake

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Lyric wandered outside while Kieran cleaned up after dinner. There was a medium sized lake out front. The large deck went out over it and ended in a small dock. The deck had built in benches along the sides of it and an above ground fire pit in the very center made of cast iron. Wolves, trees and stars were set in the cast iron ring and she could only imagine the types of shadows they would throw. She was half tempted to ask Kieran to light the wood that was piled in it, but decided against it. Instead, she went to the end of the small dock and sat down, dangling her feet into the icy water. The coldness helped clear her head. She was still trying to process that she actually shifted and had injured Kieran.

"Hey, can I join you?" Kieran asked, making her jump a little in surprise. "Sorry," he snickered, sitting down beside her. He didn't dip his bare feet into the cold water with her.

"I think I love it out here," she whispered.

"I do too," he purred, throwing an arm around her shoulders and kissing her head. "Want me to start a fire? We can make popcorn and have hot coco or tea around it. It's a little chilly tonight. I can't wait for summer to be here."

"Me either," she replied, leaning into him. "But yes, a fire would be lovely. And hot coco sounds amazing."

"Good," he said, giving her cheek a kiss before standing up. "Get your feet out of that cold ass lake and I'll get the fire going. Won't take but a minute. Then I'll go make you some hot coco. Marshmallows? I think there are rainbow and regular."

"Yes," she said, hissing as the cold night air hit her wet feet as she stood up. "Rainbow, please. Can I grab a blanket from inside?"

"I'll do you one better," he laughed. "Lift up the benches and there are cushions and blankets in totes. Make yourself comfortable."

She did as he said and made a hearty mound of blankets and cushions while he lit the fire. Soon flames lapped at the pile of wood and soon distorted shadows darted around cozily. Kieran went inside and she hunkered down in her "fort" of blankets. In a few minutes, her mate reemerged with two steaming mugs and sat down beside her.

"Mind if I join you in your fort? Or is there a password?"

"Hot coco gets you a free pass," she giggled, opening up the blanket fort. She happily took the mug of delicious coco and snuggled up to him. Rainbow marshmallows were heaped into her mug, as well as whipped cream, and she smiled. He was too good to her sometimes. They were both quiet while they sipped their drinks and she reveled in the night air. Crickets and night animals were singing their songs; bats swooped low over the water; and every once in a while, a fish jumped somewhere.

"Can I ask you something?" Kieran asked.

"You just did," she giggled, looking at him. "Oh, hold still," she laughed, leaning forward to wipe a spot of whipped cream off of the tip of his nose. "What's your question?"

"Do you know why you changed last night?" he asked, blushing.

Needed to, her wolf said flatly. You can't contain me forever.

"Something about watching you change," she murmured, trying to remember last night before she changed. "Seeing you as a wolf. I dunno. My wolf just . . . she just won. I couldn't hold her back this time. I'm not upset that I did!" she put in when his face fell. She put her mug on the railing and cupped his face. "I think it means that it was time to let go. I can't control this forever. It's not healthy. My wolf used to listen to Lyla but after that night, I never wanted to risk it again because she wouldn't even listen to me. This is so weird to try and explain. My wolf and I used to be more connected. On the same page. She wasn't just a voice in my head. We were one. I listened to her and she listened to me, but then that night happened and I got so scared. I could have killed Lyla. I think I almost did to be honest."

Kieran looked at her while she spoke, setting his own mug aside, and before she could process what was happening, his lips were on hers. A surprised noise left her and she surprised herself by not yanking away from him on impulse. The kiss deepened and she heard him groan softly in his chest. She let her hands move from cupping his face to running into his hair, which made him groan even louder. Kieran moved and straddled her legs, his own hands tangling in her hair, and it was her turn to let out a low noise in her throat. Was this too fast? Was it too much? It didn't feel wrong, so she decided to not stop it. The kiss got deeper and more intimate as time progressed; and then, then it started to feel wrong. She tried to break away and he growled in his chest, pulling her back.

"Kieran!" she shouted, shoving him to the deck. "I can't. It's too much right now."

"I am so sorry!" he said, looking up at her with wide eyes. "I don't know what the hell came over me!"

Alpha-son usually gets what the Alpha-son wants, her wolf chuckled. And he wants you.

"You're used to getting your way," she muttered, looking at him. "But when I say stop or try to stop you, I mean it. Next time, will you listen?"

"Of course I will," he promised, getting to his feet. "Can I ask if we could go inside and sit on the couch? Or do you want nothing to do with me right now?"

"As long as you are respectful," she said, getting up to put things away.

Kieran promised to be respectful and helped her straighten up the deck before going inside. He grabbed their mugs and offered to make fresh coco, to which she agreed readily. She fluffed up the couch as much as possible, creating another makeshift fort, and snuggled down in. Her mate came out with two fresh cups of coco and plopped beside her, asking if she wanted to watch a movie. She said she did, as long as it was a horror movie. She loved horror movies. 

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