Second Summoning

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Chapter Twenty-Four "Second Summoning"

Kieran led Lyric down a long hallway towards the conference center of the hotel and could feel his heart racing. It had been a long three day trip to get to Canada. Having to get Lyric her passport had been akin to pulling teeth, but a little cash and some smooth talking eventually had them on their way. Lyric had been more eager to be near him since she had come to him the other night and he'd be lying if he said he didn't love it. They had been intimate a couple more time since then—all on her terms—and he could feel the bond cementing them.

Beside him, Lyric fidgeted with her dress hem, trying to pull it beyond her knees and he couldn't help but smile. Mom had picked out another stunning dress for the Summoning. It was lilac in color and had matching flats. The only downside Lyric could find was its length; which wasn't even all that bad. It went just above her knees. Mom had insisted that she wear Gram's favorite pearl necklace and Lyric had very reluctantly agreed. Kieran was in his typical suit and tie, black on black for effect, and had some basic Converse shoes on his feet.

"Ah, hang on, they have to announce us," he said when they reached the door to the conference center. He could hear Seymore behind the door and laced fingers with his mate. His heart sank a little when he saw her hang her head and he nudged her. "Alpha-mate," he purred, "keep that gorgeous head up." With a shaking breath, Lyric straightened her shoulders and back and looked ahead with a set jaw—making him beam. She sure could pull it off when she tried.

"Ladies and gentlemen," Seymore said loud enough to be heard through the door, "it is my deepest honor to present to you, the latest member of the Archer Pack, and her mate, Lyric and Kieran Archer!"

"Now," he whispered and pushed them through the door.

A hushed silence fell over the Packs and all eyes immediately went to Lyric. It was most of their first time ever seeing a Rarity, let alone meeting one. He let out a soft hiss as Lyrics nails dug into his hand and looked down. Her nails had grown into claws for a brief moment. He murmured to her to stay calm and that she had this and was relieved to see her hand return to normal in a matter of seconds.

"Please, allow the newly mated couple to take their seats before we introduce ourselves," Seymore boomed, gesturing a long table set up at the front of the room. It was adorned with white lace and had white roses as a center piece. Plates were set in front of two chairs and an elegant looking cake in the shape of two wolf silhouettes was set off to one side.

Lyric looked ready to run and he could understand why. Meeting this many Alpha's and Beta's was more than a little terrifying the first time it happened. You could feel the power in the room but there was never a power struggle. It was all understood that the oldest of the Packs were first. So it was: Seymore and Abigail O'Leary, then the Klinger Pack; consisting of a Beta named Samuel who had been widowed and the Alpha's, Judith and Richard, then the Morningstar Pack with Norma and Steven Morningstar, then the Archer's, followed by the Shoemakers who were led by Mitzi and Howard, and finally the newest Pack: the Gallagher's who were led by Hailie and Max. Everyone respected and understood the importance of having order to the Packs and it had been long agreed upon that age would lead.

He held his mate's hand a little more firmly and made them both walk slowly to the center table. On his way up to it, he noticed several large wrapped boxes and couldn't believe he forgot that gifts would be given by all the Packs (except his own for obvious reasons). Kieran gave his mate a small nudge and had her look at the table; which turned out to be a mistake. She was crying softly when he caught her eyes again and he stopped them, pulling her to him.

"It's ok, Lyric," he soothed. "This is all normal for how we do things. Just roll with it tonight and I promise you'll have a good time." She nodded into his chest, making the crowd fawn over her, and he got them to the table without any mishaps. Once they were seated, the Packs lined up at one side, in order, and the meet and greet began.


Lyric felt her stomach sink as the Pack's all lined up to one end of the table, murmuring excitedly to themselves, and tried to not let her head hang down. She couldn't help but feel like some freak on parade here. With everyone so obsessed with Rarities. What had Kieran said? Most of them would kill to have a Rarity as a Pack member. The idea made her shiver, even if it was a figure of speech. As the eldest of the Pack's made their way forward, Lyric went to stand up out of respect, and Kieran grabbed her leg a little too hard.

"Ow!" she hissed, glaring at him.

"Stay seated, it is our night for respect," he said and let go of her leg.

"Mrs. Archer," an older skinny gentleman cooed, "may I have the honor of shaking your hand? In all my years, I have never met a Rarity before and I am just in awe. My name is Seymore O'Leary."

"Of course, Mr. O'Leary," she said, extending her hand.

And that was how it went for the next half an hour; perfect strangers gushing over her and how nice it must be to be a Rarity, how it was the highest honor to meet her, and of course, how lucky the Archer Pack was to have her. Lyric tried to memorize names and faces but everything was an excited blur. They ate, they danced and before she knew it, night had fallen and they were ushered outside.

"Lyric, we wanted to go over the top for you," Seymore said. "Our gift to you is in the sky. Have a look through the telescope. It should be trained in on two stars."

Lyric went over to a very expensive looking telescope and peered through it. She saw two bright stars and she smiled. She had never seen anything this close before.

"Those stars are ones that we bought and named for you and Kieran," Abigail explained as Lyric pulled back and let Kieran look. "And here are some framed photos of them as well as their positioning in the sky," she said, handing Lyric a box and some larger framed photos. She was at a loss for words. These people had literally paid for a piece of space as a gift to her and Kieran. How much could that have possibly cost them?

"Thank you," Kieran said, pulling away from the telescope and grabbing the framed photos before Lyric dropped them.

"I—you have no idea what this means to me," Lyric murmured.

"We would have bought you the moon if we could have, dear," Seymore smiled, patting her gently on the shoulder. Once everyone had managed to take a look at the stars—a few jealous looks going plenty noticed by Lyric—they went back inside.

Back to the table they went and then more gifts were handed out. Among them were a pair of Russian nesting dolls painted to look like Lyric and Kieran in the start and ending in two wolves, one red and one black with green eyes; prime cuts of meat for their "inner wolves" and loose gemstones of various value and cut for their "outer humans"; the key to a secluded cabin here in Canada that had five hundred acres for them to roam (all Kieran had to do was sign some paperwork and it was actually theirs); and finally a book. It was one even Kieran didn't have. Based solely on the Rarity lineage and it even held some family trees. To Lyric, it was more valuable than the stars and the gemstones combined. She secretly and perhaps childishly held on to the hope that her family line would be in there, nestled among the pages. Just as they were about to wrap things up for the evening, a pale man hurried into the conference room and ran right to Seymore and Abigail, whispering too quietly for even Lyric to hear.

"I'm afraid the celebration must come to an end," Seymore announced. "We have just received word of another Pack killing. This time, right in the Archer's back yard."

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