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Chapter Twenty-Seven "Punishment"

Kieran anxiously bounced his leg under the table the next morning as he waited for the rest of the Alpha's and Beta's to come to this Summoning. He had seen how these things went for other Packs who fought like this and it was never pretty. Stone sat across from him, looking innocent and wounded with a bandage across the split skin of his nose, and Kieran clenched his jaw in fury. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the Pack members were all seated and Seymore cleared his throat before standing.

"First, seeing as how is an Alpha-son, we will go over Kieran's wrong doings and the punishment that was voted upon," he said. "It is known that Kieran threatened the front desk clerk to get Stone's room number last night." Kieran dropped his head out of shame and embarrassment. "It is also known that Jett Jericho, Archer Beta, knew this was going to happen and tried to discourage it. That is two strikes. The third is committing violence upon another wolf during a Summoning, which is strictly prohibited. Kieran, are these things not true?"

"These things are true," he muttered, keeping his head down.

"Now is your chance to defend yourself fully," Seymore said and sat down.

"After Lyric and I got back to our room," he began and filled them in on the rest of the evening in as much detail as he could muster. "So, while I did threaten a human with physical violence," he finished, head still down, "it was merely to defend my mate and her honor."

The Pack members all sat silently for several long moments and then Seymore stood once more. "Now, seeing as how is a Beta, we will go over Stone's wrong doings and the punishment that was voted upon," he paused to clear his throat. "It is known that Stone sent a wolfsbane flower to Lyric as a 'joke'. Hoping to get human police and human hotel workers involved and to cause a disturbance of some magnitude. Which could have possibly resulted in human injuries or death had Lyric not been able to regain control of her wolf. You also put Lyric, mated to Archer Alpha-son, in grave danger. Stone, are these things not true?"

"These things are true," he said softly, turning his gaze to the table.

"Now is your chance to defend yourself fully," Seymore said, sitting once more.

Stone sniffled his way through an explanation. Saying it was only meant as a joke to get Kieran riled up and to see if it really was true that wolfsbane made a Rarity change. Once he was done, he gingerly wiped his eyes and sat back.

"Kieran Archer, please stand and receive your punishment," Seymore said, motioning him to stand. He did with shaking legs. What if they threatened to take Lyric away? It had been done in the past; mates ripped from one another. "Kieran Richard Archer, Alpha-son and mate to Lyric, we have decided that . . . no action be taken against you. While you could have done things a lot differently, your actions are justified by our laws. You were defending your mate as well as protecting humans indirectly had things gone wrong. Consider this your first and final warning for such conduct at a Summoning. There are no second chances."

"I understand," Kieran whispered, bowing briefly before sitting down. He could have sobbed in relief.

"Stone Wilder, please stand and receive your punishment," Seymore said. Stone stood and seemed calm and collected, even casting a smirk in Kieran's direction before throwing on a pitiful face for the Packs. "Stone William Wilder, Beta to Gallagher Pack, we have decided that. . . You will hereby be banished from the Pack Gallagher." Kieran couldn't stop the gasp from escaping his lips. "While you claim a joke and possible experiment, you put Lyric Archer at direct risk of death. As well as others. This will not be tolerated. You will pack your things and leave as soon as you are able."

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